Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 36, 2 September 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

The first lieutenant of the pro visional ship resignēd a short while ago and !eft ihe country. The Captain of the vessel thereupon tendervd his resignation, but the crew kicked and obj«*cted to be ieft in the lnrch with hreakers ahead. What’s the matterl N«> one has been ap{K>inted yet to fill the vai cant seat in the Advisory Oouneil, aithough we thought that it was mandatory, that there s’.;ould be fourteen members in that august l»dy. Why n«>t let W. O. Smith take that seat and give up hischair in the Executive Council. Because a man is a poor executive officer. jhe m ; ght make a very good adviser and if W. O. amith doesn’t like to work without a salary, one eoukl e«sily be made f«>r hini and the | other counciliors, and the money ! for the purpose taken frum Mr. Oamon’e reserve fund whieh has lately disappeared from the finaneial statements. The tD09t characteristic feature of the whole polilieal business here is the appoir.tment of Mr. Claus Spreck«ls’ attorney Frank M. Hnch, tobe acting Presidenl and Mmister of Foreigu Afl’airs, besides i we suppose Comm.inder in-chief of (a 11 the force8 with rank as you plouee. Is Attorney Hatch, after ! all the ‘’euilahle man” for whom j S{>reckels was said to be looking t«> plaee at the head of his intended i republic? Colonel Claus is evidently not alt«>gether out of Hawaiian poli>ics, and there seems now to be ehunee f«>r hiiu to get iu his deadly work iu spite of Mr. W. G Smith and hi» Katzenjammer.