Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 36, 2 September 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Ycstekdat, Sojith of the Star • j made the welkin nng«ith his shrieks i of biood and g<>re, aud pulp and l«owder T andartilIery *ud dynamite, and craisers and other ins*nities, , and our poel »as so moved by it that he burst on«» more into doggerel lo suit the pumpkm-bead s fratne of menlal idioeynoracy as fo!ioirs: kl«>odv Pl IPI r» bf »“ ‘9 to lhr l*nf o/ “OH WUM Smitk ' trft« Sl'tngh‘i’rhi>**'i I i S‘ng of b!o <! an<l thonder! (U e Jine ri»tht oat from umier,) Wnile I t<> tle-tootle-tojt thi? little r»andel*y, 0f how S nith’s evening >tar, Cai<<e to braathe mte? of war, And -e r d hi* hean int<> his boots. bnt j yestefdav. I I ‘Twas but the oti>er night, F*xli ■’ qnit J oal of sigbt, Thungh bathed in t»e raoon’s peHneni j r*y, Savs he, “My top-knot teems. , | V ith «candais aiul w. th <!reau:s, , Tt.o.ig’i of inem 1 eannol wnte a wor! f»r D *nd F. C. J.” i “Then IT1 write a fearful shoclcer, Thocgfa al H.Koy»iists iuay nioek —erl l’li give it as l heard it in <>ur An eiah i.up d.»y. The Royalists, say thcy. //ave uow begun to say TheyTl rise «i< a .d ej;H*t us right away. “ \ vessel down from ’Frisco, i i /They s.iy it sure.y is s»> | , Ftlled with anns am! munitions nineh ; of war, Will urrlve herc one fine iaorning, U. S. regulatlons sc <rning ( All laden down witt> tighting .nen »a!ore. “<. nr armv, thev with <lvuamite wili 1 * 1 hlow np, Ami eaoh one who t!oes show np Wit Aunexation b .dge of darkest blue ; i Will immediatelr be slaughtered Be(ore that he has aught h ard Of wi at has cans.d this tembie hulla- , haloo. ' “Xo» that is their nlan,Sirs, To carry out if they ean, Sirs. ; J They sjv, tney’re houml to bust up our I’. G. And < ur line fat salaries, As the reward of <.nr valonr, riz, Wil! —like McGintv —be down to the I ’ bottom <<f the sea.” “//o!d on, tliere” said 1, “Thry nmst eat huuihle pie, 1*11 scar • them oulof that qnitequickly, don’t v»u see, < For jast right at one gulp, I’ll uiake ihein puip’ j Wilh the aul of Uneie Saui, and you, | nnd uie. I 1 “ITI talk to them qnite s.t,ous That if they tr>- to queer ns ! | There’tl not be left of im<narchist oue ; I e'.aw; I j I”il grin<l th*m all to pcwder To make l'ortl*nd llouaeelain e owder . i Or lea eream Farlor's hest stio!i-iaw. i 1 I “Jrst leave it all to nie. now, And then youTl surely see how i AIl America sh»ll ring ont with our 1 fame, N<>w you’ve said we’re all in danger 1 j Just before /<*hat cwuld be str*nger? i i The steumer leaves with new« of th s ! ‘ onr httle gamc. j i “For ITI write it up so line, j « [When yoa’veset op the wine| 1 1 In my usnal <fash-ng tbr e for fire oent J «tyle. S<» our offlc«-grabbing CIub And the f t man frotn the Hnh, When they read what they’ve « scape<t fp»ui, sare will smile. “Aml the K»yTi»t» will know at onee Th..t at b(utfirg l’m no dunoe When t .ey learn ihat l’redrCTeed their fearfut dootn. , Not even onee proridtng For them that I*>t hiding— I Plaee for all — the universal tomb,” Now all ye who r<*a<f 1 Be pleased to take beed To the iu<»ral of thi9 di9n»*) fanny r*rn i Aud don’t be like me, Ami ? tv to Wa!ter G., * J For aii y >ur f.-*rfu) threat« I <l*> not care a <Jarn. .