Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 2, 19 September 1893 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


> Oolooel Spreckels an<l family bave Ieft SanFrauciseo for Washingtou via Cnicago. Tbe Uawaiian Band played at tbo wharf this morning at tbe departure of tbe P. M. S. S. China whieh took plaee at 9:15 o’eloek. - The K. K. Geroan ConsnI Mr. H. F. Glade paid a visit to the Fhiladelphia, and received the usuai honors. Admiral Skerrett transferred his flag to the Philadelphia this morning. The Adrairal will remain ashore with his family. — The Advertiser repeats its misstatement of yesterday in regard to the National Band. Tbere *re no negotiutions pendmg relating to a tour of the United States. — Hon. E. C. Macfarlane is in Washington, according to a tele- , graphic despatch received yesterday by Colonel George Maefarlane. The Band concert advertised to take plaee at Sans Souci to- , night has been postponed till ; Saturday, so as not to iuterfeie with tho ball at the Hotel. Chief Justice Judd, and Associate Justices R. F. Bickertou, and W. F. Frear of the Supreme Court, visited the U. S. Flagship Philadelpbia this forenoon. The custoniary salute was fired. The Hawaiian P. G. band did not play. at Emma Square last night as advertised. They gave, instead, a concert at the Hawaiian Hotel for the benefit of the passengers on the China. A large i crowd of people was present. The uew arrivals at Hotel Hitchcock to-day consist of two natives who had been indulging in a game of ehe fa, and two others who had been initiated in the fascinating game called Eussian W ar, bes'des these one of Mr. Soper's heroes was locked up for using improper langnage. The Hawaiian Hotel is being beautifully decorated for the ball j to-night, and will present an unusually brilliant appeaianee. The dancing will begin at 8 o’eloek, nnmerous invitations have been issued and the prospects are that the afTair will be a great success, in spite of the Star s prophecies. A unique and pretty advertisement in the shape of shining medals, of the size of a silver dollar. ealle attention to the high qualities of a new brand of Rye hiskey with the temnting name of Cream Rye. Mr. Lovejoy is the I »ole ag«nt, and Mr. W, Cunningham dispenees the cream in the Anchor Saloon. You give him a medal and get a drink, or he gives ! vou a medal and takes a drink. — In the anction room of L. J. j Levey is a very handsome pleasure boat, whieh is for sale. Tbe bont is of English pattern, and is exactly like the one presented to the Healani Boat Clnb by Mr. ; Palmer Woods. The boats were imported by Colonel George Macfarlane. and should become ‘ very popniar among gentlexnen who like to take the girls out for a moouligbt rowing expedition. The piiee of the boat is $350.

District Court. I*. Stone r who shot a polieeman in the Fantbeon Saloon, escape«l from the jail and was ' captured in Hilo was brought up before the District Judge tfais morning. The defendant dispnted tbe jurisdiction. and was remanded till the 2‘2nd instl E. Klemme was fined $5.00 and costs for finng Mr- Luning out of the Mercfaant’s Exchauge. Mr. Creighton appeared for the prosecution. In the case of the six Ohinamen arrested for gambling two plead guilty and were fined $15 a pieee and cosbs while a nolie pros. was entered in the other four cases. J. P. Bowen who was arrested on a charge of larceny of one pair of screen-doors at tbo instigation of J. Dodd appeared before the Jiidge defended by Mr. C. W. Ashford. Mr. Kinney appeared for the prosecntion. As it was shown that the doors were tho propertv of Hon. H. A. Widemaun tfae defendant refused to plead to the ch.irge and left the courtroom. His bail of $‘250 was declared forfeited.