Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 3, 20 September 1893 — An Informer Assaulted. [ARTICLE]

An Informer Assaulted.

Ah Kwai, a Cbinese informer assisted the poliee in making raid on some Chinese in Pawaa at uoon to day, and got into a hole himself. It seems that the Chinameu were prep.iretl for the raid, and when the informer and two poheemen appeared, made an attack on them with hoes and kuives. The protectors

of the peaee of the comrannity took to their heels. and ran until an attack of shortwindedness, or asthma, forced them to halt, face abont, and show fight. The Chinese uot desīring to hurt the shurt-winded polieemen retired, and directed their pnrsnit against the inforraer, who finally wascaptured and badiy cut np. Several arrests were made.