Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 3, 20 September 1893 — The Pauoa Fire. [ARTICLE]

The Pauoa Fire.

What right haā Mr. King. Minister of the Iuterior to otFer a rewjnl of §50 for the detection of tuo j>erson who cansetl the fire in Pauoa? Tbe fire was a gra'fire upon the pastare laml of Mr. C. Booth, aml in no way endangered thesurroundingproperty. The fire was» put ont by onler of Mr. Booth, by his own men, aml not bv the people sent by Mr. King. As the whole conflagration was confinetl to the property of Mr. Booth, does the ofler of reward uiean, that under the present regirae, a man cannot do as he pleases witb his own. when he does not prejndice others?