Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 3, 20 September 1893 — Y. M. C. A. Concert. [ARTICLE]

Y. M. C. A. Concert.

A Gn«n<l Concfrt will be hell on Saturday the 23th inst., in tb* Avsociation Hall o{ tbe Y. M. C. A., for the l»enefit of the Library of that institation. Tbo concert will beg>n nt7:30 o’eloek, an l the progratnme whieh we print below, ahonlil ensnre a veiy e?> joyable evening t*> the patroo<s </f the afTair: 1. Smg—“ Mai l a o{ shc Fknr •> L ▼*.’ Ot«w Clab. 2. S*ng—“Onlr in .!renms, ’ I)> K<*t«k Kr. F M. fTak«feU. 3. Instromental Tno. 51 >s.- Atkjnson, M* 1 —rs. an i Ta!.*r. Part c cn,' —“Yoa s:o!e my Io»e,” McFama Glee Club. 5. Soas; —“L*.ve n>r »*«*•! si j a!l tb.ii «V Whi* 51r». LD. T«unt-r. 6. lu-.tr:ini«n: ! Trio—TjoEn, Organ, Piana In>tnnezao from “CavaJi«ria Bnstieaaa." VIascag;flB Me«sre. R »en, T»vk.r an«i " akeKeW 7- Song—“A m«s5si»ge,” Th«*a:- a 5Ii-i eia.a G!»df. S. P*rt S*rg—“'Wh<rre wmku npple gany.” Gke Oah. 9. Song - **L«*vc » S*m»w.'' Sb**Rf Mr. C. Bwtn. 10. Ptit S *ng—“Song of tlw Triton,~ llolo/ Gi ee Ciab.