Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 5, 21 September 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

IUST ARR!VED, 4 <.~-4 W (m v/( «3 i Baty Carriages OK ALI 8TYI.ES, l'ar|x‘ts, Uugs. Jlats IN T;IK LATI»T ī’ATTE11NS. “HOUSEHOLD" S( j \vin*>' Machines o Ha\D SEWIN(i Machines, ffTAH With the I.iiprjviments"'.i ', PARLOR Op^-ins, Guitars, And Otht r Mnsic.il In.strnments. \Vincs, Liquors, Beer ALWAYSON HANH, AND FOK SALE LV ED. UOFFSCHLiEGEE i C0. K ng S:.. opjs}. ('»<tie A Cooki’s. LEWIS & Co., Who!esale and Retai! 6rocers AXD PKOVISION DEALERS. FRESB CAUPORSIA 8ALM0N ONICE By Every Sīhi Franciscu Steamer. 8alt Saliion in Barrels A Sl K«1ALTY. tn J'ort St., Honolulu. Tcl . 240, P. O. Box 2y~. CHOCK L'K)K. MERCHANT TA1L0R, No 3J1 Nuaaun Street, Al.L SUITS GUARASTEED T0 FIT, aml MADE in the BESTSTYLE. CLOTHES CLEANED and REPAIRED. WiNG WJ i C0., Mauufacturers aml Doalers in Latlies’. Cxents’ A Clilldren’s Boūt& $jjog 2(i)iiitei$ No. 3ō, 1 Honolulu, Nuuhuu Street' O. B«»x 198 Bo<.>ts and Sboes ni ule to order in Best St\ lo. nt W bolesale and Retail Pr;ces. WIN6 WŌ TAI & Co., No. ‘214 Nuu inn Street, COMMlSSION MEKCHANTS, iai)Kirten) «ud D, ahrs iu GE.V L MEHOllA XDISE. Fme M toila Cigars, Cbmese antl J.ipaUi-seCrock n wnpe.M (ttmgs, Vases of «11 kinds, Cam)»borwoud Truuks. Rrtttm Cb«irs. a Fme Assort»nent of Dress Silks, Best l>ramls of Chioese aml J«ptneso Te«s of Latest Importitions. lnspeotion of New Goods ReS|>ectfuliv Solicited. Mutiial Tel.’ ‘2t>t5. P. O. Bos 138. NOT!CE IS HEREBY OfVEN THAT Uam Lot »nd Chi\ Keap liave tb s d;<v SOLD ALL THEIR XUG9T8 in h Ceri»iu Lense of Premises situated m K »līa, Waikiki. to PANG AH MAN. Hon ilula, bept. 13, 1893. Iw