Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 5, 21 September 1893 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


The 6chooner Mary Foster »as 10 miles olf p«>rt at 12 ōll o’eloek. The Boston has chang-<1 tbe (l*y for its ileparture fru. i the 2>th to tbe 26th iust. The M >nposj left thi- morning at 10 <»’clock for San Fmne sco. The band piayed the steainer off. M S. Lew will hokl a great L’le.arnuce s«le next Satnrd«y. Eveiything will be sold, and the p|i<<rtuuities f>r gootl bargains are great. There were no arrests tuade to:lay as we g» to press. The eonoanmitv is ev dent!\’ getting we!l behaved since the re-opening of the Holomua. The Board of Health held a iueeting yesterd <y afternoon, at whieh M Meyers the Agent for Molokai was present, and iaade snndry suggetions reiating to the Leper Settlemeut. Mr. C. F. Hnrner arrived here t<» attend the ruatch raco between his tr»tter L<>t Slocum and Mr. H *ilinger’a Gerstcr for a thousand d-'llar purae, whieh will take piaee next S<turday. The James Makee arrived from Kauai this moi-ning witb the lepers who lately surrendered to the authorities. In spite of the proinises of Sberitf Deverill to catcb Koolau there were no news yet in regard to him. It is gen enlly believed that he is suuggly installed in K «lalau valley. Another ball will be given to tho Boston ofbcers at the Palaee next Monday, by Houolulu “society,” as represented by the an nexation c!ub. A meeting w«s held last night at t!>e club rooms, and a nnmber »»f committees appointed to attend to the aff,<ir. Subscnption lists are boing ciroulated to-day. The Sbip’s Com]>any of the Bostou has published a protest tn the Advertiser ag.iinst the idiotic letter whieh appeared iu the raorning paper yesterday relating to the hoi.sting of tbe St <rs and Stripes. The Boston C«m>pany should have realized tbat the absurd fake was inanuf »ctured in the Advertiser's own offioes. Mr. Eobt. Louis Stevenson is residing at Saus Souci. He will remain here tiil tbe 23th inst. and retnrn to his lsland home by the Alameda. His health has uot been very good, and the famons uovelist looks verv poor. lVe hope that the bracing br«eze at Waikiki wiil havo a beneficial iuiiuenee on Mr. Stevenson. and tbnt his flying tnp to Hawaii will assist him in recovering his strength.