Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 5, 22 September 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

i 'UST ARRIVEO. i? V V Baby Carriages 0F ALL STYIES. Carpets, Rugs, Mats IX TīiE LATEST PATTKRX9. “HOU^EHOLO 1 Se\vino‘ Machines Ham» Sewixo M.m uisfs, I tTAll V>iih tho L’.:os» In:pjv>voraonU"VJlJ PAELOK Organs, Gruitar^ And O;hor >!asical Instn;menla. Wines, l.iquors. Becr ALWAYS ON HAND, VXD FOR SALE BY £D. nOFFSCHUEGER 4 C0. Kiog St.. oppo. Castle 4 Cooke’a. LEWIS & Co., Wholesaie and Retail Grocers -VXD PROVISION DEALERS. FRESH CAUFORNIA 8ALM0N ON ICB By Evcry San Franci«co Steamer. Salt Salmon ix Barrkls a Specialtt. /// Fort St., Honolulu. Tel. 240, P. O. Box 2i)j. WING WO C0., Manufacturers anJ Dealen« ia Ladies’, Gents’ «fc Chtldren’s Boo^,^oe^ljaiteP^ No. 3ō, «|jfj Honolulo, Nuuann Streetfpi.P. O. B<ix 109 Boots and Sboes made to order in Best St> le, «t Wbolesalo and Kehiil Prices. CITY MEAT MARKET Opjx>. Queen Enmia Hall. Estublishe<l 1883. J0S. TINKER, FAMILY 5āBUTCHEE Mnker o/ the Celehrated Cambridge Pork Sausage ! Tet Them, Meat Delivered to Any Part ol the City and Suburbs. Mulual Telephone Number 289. Theo. P. Sbviriv. A. W EoLimOi, HAWAIIAN GALLERY. 467 XrrArtc Stb*et, Homoli lo, (Oppo. Qn««n Fjmru Hail). Views of the lsland Coastant!y on Han<J, «neh U Xativts Making Poi, Gra - TTouse« Halahula D»ncrn<, Coeo*'i-it ' »roves Stn«t View» and Hawaiian style H t. : ag Palin and D»ft (Troia War Vr*8eU, Shippūig »nd Mahne Virw«. AUo, a Lazge CoH*etioa of *U Pr taia*Bl and IntervHting Tiewa ol tbe Hiwaiiaa Lti,tnda cither monnted or aniioanlol. Amateur Work Sohc>ted. P.O. Bo* 49&