Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 5, 22 September 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

<T»fnfral H. LOSE, 2\otary IPublic. C > f 'ector nnd Gcntml Bv*ln?9s Agtnt. Melaal T--Wphone S. P. 0. Eox 33S. >'erWiiBt slreet, Honolala. Theo. P. !?KvtKrv. A. W. Bou-tek. i ALOHA GALLERY. | 513 Fort SrnKt.T. Homnx. (rp-st«irs.) Portraits & Landscapes F'-n 't Co’’e'ti >n of Hawai a ; VieW'. P. O. Boi 4*>. FAT BOY.’ 8AL00N I P. M< INE'JXY, Pri pRi.-,TOR, Fine Liquors. Wines and Beer. Corner BmrtL ast> Hotel Sts. Elias Kaululaau Wright Jir DEXTIST.-=^r C.>rm-r o: King aml Bethel Sts., l'iMtair'. Enlmnee on Kiug Street. OffX(t Hom —From 9 a.m. to 12 m.. 1 to 4 p.m. Sumlays excepted. ESTAI?L1SHED A. T>. 1868. Pioneer Steam Candy Factory! H IC K K Y amd lee Cream Parlors F. HORN, Pbopbietob. PRACTICAL Coiifeclio!iei* I Oniamenlee In all branches of the bnti iess on these isl; nds. AMERICAN, FRENCH, ENGLISH axd GERMAN PASTMES M4DE TO OI!DER. \Veddino and Birth-dav o CAK.ES M.ule of tbe very best m;iterial, nnsnrpassed in ricbness of qna!i ty aml onmiuenieel in unapproachable style. at lower prices than any otber ehlahliKhmeul in Honolulu. Famiiy \ FanciJ Bftad, Guava Jelly, rreserred Tamariods aml Tamanml Syrop. fill C0NFECTI0NERY M:.uufaeiQ) v-a at my Estabhaameni are Gnarantee<.l t > be Po; mvrr v Pri:K aml sold at pricee no other estab!isbmeut ean eom{.rete with. FACTORY & STORE, No. 71 Hotel Stkeet, Between Nnnann anJ Fort Streets BOTH T7LEPH0NTS So. 74.