Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 7, 25 September 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

DR. MeLENNAN, 131 Fort Street. Offioe Hisr: 9 A.M. to J3 M.: 3 tn 5 P.M. <Jffi« Tcl. 6r.’-Mm AL-Ee>uleaoe Tel. 2->7. CH.iS. G1RDLER. Importer an<l Commission Merchant. AGE>T FOR J. «fc P. Coatb' M&ehine Thresd •loae Bnx-ks’ Maehme Thread BartK-nr‘s Liueu Thread Pears’ Soap P, O. Box 3ōS. Mu;aal lelephoue 704 W. S. LUCE n % Wme and Spirit \\m\m\ ’ Campbell Fire-proof Bloek, MEECHAMT ST. HOMOLULU CITY WEftT MARXET Oppo. Queeu Ennun Hall. Establt-becl 1883. J0S. TINKER, FAMILY *y3i BTJTCHER Maker ofthe CelebnUed i Cambridge Pork Saiisage ! Tp.y Them. Meat Delivered to Any Part of the Citv and Suburbs. Mutual Telephoue Number 289. Theo. P. Sevkriv. A W. Eolstkr. HAWAIIAN GALLERY, 467 Ncua.sc Stbe.;t, H >noli l", (Oppo. Queen Euin.a Ha!l). Vie\vs of the Xsland Constantly on Hanil. »nch as Natives Malring Poi, Grass Honso» HulahuU Daucurs, Coc< a iut Groves Strect Yiews unii Hawaiian Style Eid.ng Buildings, Pulm and Date GroTes \Var Vessels, Shippn.g and Maiine Views. Aiso, a L&rge Collection of aU Promiceut and Interesting Views of the Hawaiinn Islonds either munt!ed or uumountei. Amatenr Work Solicited. P.O. Boi 498.

Holomua ♦ Publishimj ♦ Co., PUBLISHEKS OF THE u HAWAII ♦ * holomua; L V .īoumal issued I)aily, (Sund«y excepted) In the English l«ngnage. and pledged in policy to support the Kights jsd I’bevileges of the Uawauan People, tbo inteiēet6 of the l«boring men, and good and honest Govern-mt-ut for the wh“le countiy. .1013 PREVTERS Ail Books and Job Printino neatly executed at short nolieo and at moderate figures. BILL HEADS, CARDS, LETTER HEADS. POSTEBS, etc., Finished in Firet-Class style. Island Ordere solicited and promptly attendod to. Office : IhomaA Block, King Street, Honololu, H. L