Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 7, 25 September 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

(fards H. F. BEBTELMANN. CONTRACTOR AND UI'ILOEE, King St.. Bell Tel«phone 107. HARK1S0N BKOS . . COSTR.\CTORS AND BUILDERS. 203 Fort St.. Honoluiu. thov as undsav. Mnuafnct*riJ?irelcr an>l n uf(Ji nnikrr, Mclnerm HI.kA, 4<i.‘i K..rt St., Honolala. MEKCHANT S exchange. S. I. SUAW. Pit.ipRitrr.iR, CIfOICE LlQUOKS and F/.\E BEER, Corner of King aml Nunanu Sts., ifutnal Tel. 423. Honolulu, G.W.MACFARIARE4C0., 1 m porters & 0 mi mission MEKCHA.\TS, Honolulu. - Hawai au I.slamls Club gtables Go. t S. F. OEAHAM, M auager. Ciyery, Feed and Sale Sta bles, Fort Strrot, bet»eeu Hotel aiul Beretunia. BotL TeIcphone» No. 477 (J0nnect!6d wifch 0fcand, Corner King A Betiiel Sts. Both Telephon es No. 113. H. MAY & Tea Dealers. Coffee Roasters Provision Merchants 08 tort Streot, - Honolulu [• amilies. Pl.iii{ations aud Ships supplieil with cboicest Enwpean & Ainerican (f’roceries C lifornia Pnnluee bv Everv Steu;:er. Chas. T. Gulick NOTARY public For the I>lrtii«"l of (>ahu. Agent toTake A<-kn jw|p»lgments to Labor Contrj»ct8. Ageut to Grant Marriage Lieenses, Houolnln, Oahu. Agenl for the Haw n Islrtnds of Prrr A Scott’s Freight antl P«rcels Exprtss. Agent for the Barlington Koute. Eeal Me Bnler aal SeĒsral Aieel. Bell Tel. 348; Mni. Tel, 139; P. O. Box 415. 0FF1CE: No. 38 M£KCEANT , Street, Honolulu, H. I.