Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 9, 27 September 1893 — HOW IT IS DONE IN AMERICA. [ARTICLE]


■ Threw an lnksland at the Jnstice PiMr4, U»j‘r Ulll o«t «fa in t«art. [BY TEI.EUn.VPH TO THB nE.KAL».] D.nv l e, ĪU.. Sej*t. 1. 1S93. —Jnst co i>f the Peaee Coburn’s office whs tlie scene of a most exc ting yesterd»iy »ftermv*u. Attom«?y A. R. Hill was defend ug Emi y Stein. a little g.rl cii <rged w.th being disorderly. Justice C**burn ruled »hat a witnes-* slu>»dd auswer Prosecuting Attorney Ad*ms’ qnestions. Hill obj<*cte«l and b«came so noisy tbat t»io Justu*o hit him on tho head \v.th a law 1 ;u>k. Hill immediat«lv s cured » l«rge inkstand aiul threw *.t at the Jndgo, who dodged. and it struck a littlo boy by tiie nuue i f Aiva Holycross iu the stumuch. sanoosly injuring him. Just ct- Cobnrn, ConstabIe Davidsou anel the b< v's f:ither started after H II, who ran from the oiliee aud. jniu|>ing out of thc secoud story window. slid down on au awn ng und mad« his escape. Muggie Davidson. a witness in tbe c.ise. heoame excited and thorougLly whipped a Mrs. Bigga and then weut for Mrs. Walkea, another witness. She was getting the best of 1er when Constab!e Peytou iuterfered. Th« Duvidson woman hit him on the head witb her uinbreliu uud intlicted an ugly wound.