Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 9, 27 September 1893 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

OHEAP FUEL Algeroba 3Tirewood $9.00 pcr Cord Delivered. JNO. F. COLBUHN & CO. »e‘i5 lm Long Branch BATH ING Establishment. Tbis First-clas8 Bath:ng Rcsort b;.s bcen enlarged and is now oj»en to tbe pnhlīe. It is tbe bet«t p i«ce «*n tlie Ī8iands to enjoy a bath aud there is nu better plaee to 1m> off Sf>eciul aeeomm<Hlatio»s f<»r Lui es. Tramc.*rs pass tbe d* or *-very h.*lf bo< rand on Satnrd *ys and Sundavs every fifteen iuinute8. JAMES SHERWOOD, Proprietor. HO YEN KEE <k CO,, Tinsmitbs and dealers in Crockery ware, Glasaware, etc. Water Pipes Laid and Repaired, P1nmbiBg Xe*tiy Execated. No. 41 Nunann St. between