Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 10, 28 September 1893 — Epitaphs. [ARTICLE]


Put’s nose wuslike Longfellow s j)oems. ’tis sai»l, BecHU.se it wns always extensively red; He stole some clmmpagne and drank it so fast Tbat his puin wts no sham when he murmured his laat Sweet Jane to books apj)lied herself in yootb, And oft applied Ler lund to tho unwise. ’Tis said the thing she lovotl the most was truth, And yet you now see how the wouian lies. Fair Susan died with wator on the bruin; She didn’t know she suffered anv puin. When usked if codfish-balls she liked, replied: “I’ve ne'er atteuded any.” Then she died.— Jiidge.