Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 12, 30 September 1893 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

! L. H. DEE, » • y Jobber o( Wiūes, Spiiits and M\ | HOTEL ST., Between Fort aml Bethel Streets Anchor SaIoon, SOLTHEAST Corner of King & Nuuanu Sts. THE Flnest Brands op Wines & Liquors 53 q q H0T LUNOH DAILY From 11:S0 a.m. to 1:30p.m. W. M. CUNNINGHAM. Manaoek. JUST ARRiVED, 5? 53 q Baby Camages OF ALL STYI.ES, Carpets, Rugs, Mats IN THE LATEST PATTERN8. “HOUSEHOLD” Sewing Machines Haxd Sewixo Machixes, All Wjth the Ltlnt Improvemeats^£) PAKLOK Organs, Gruitars, And Othcr Muuieal Inatram«atR. Wines, Liquors, Beer ALWAI8 ON HAND, AXD FOB 8ALK BY ED. HOFFSGHLi E6ER l C0.

—o « wvav a. HO YEN KEE «k CO„ Tinsmiihs and dua)era in Crock-ery-wa*o, OlamwaM, ete,Water Pipes Laid andRepaired, Plambing Ne*tly Eiecuted. No. 41 Nnnann 8t, between King and Hotel Streeta, Asen Building. WING WO i CO., Mannfactnrers and Dealera in Ladies’, Gents' & Chi)dren’s No. 35, Honolnio, Nnnano Streetf!RP. O. Boa 19? Boots and Sboe» made to orde» in Besk 8tyle. ak Wholeaaie and Keiail Pnoea. WIN€ WO TA1 k C#., Xo. 214 Ka«us Stre«t, COMM168ION MBECHANT8, l«*portea aad Pe*ifi ia OEN'L MERCHANDJSE. Fine Manila Cigars, Cfaineee ad Japanese Crock’ry wara, Mattings, Tases of all kinds, CamphonvooA Tnmk», Kakkan Chaixs, a FĒ> Assortment of Dress 8ilka, Best 6rands of Chinoao and Japeneee Teas of Laieak Inrportataoas. Inapeekkm of New Oood* Ee specifnUy 8olicited, MdtwU TsL 966, P. O. Box 158