Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 12, 30 September 1893 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

3?usinf$s (fard$ H. F. BEETELMANN, CON fRA'TOR AND BVILDER, 86 King St., Bell Telej>bone 107. HAREISON BKOS., CONTEACTOES AND BU1LDEKS, 208 Fort St., Honolaln. THO.VIAS LINDSAY. Mannfadurinrj Jevder and Walchmaker, Mcluerny Bloik, 40,‘> Fort St., Houoluhi. MERCHANT S EXCHANGE. S. I. SHA\V.|Proprictoh, CHOICE LIQUORS and FINE BEER . Corner of King aml Nuaanu Sts., Mutual Tol. 423. Honolulu, G. V. MACFARIABE 4 G0„ Importers & Coaimission MERCHANTS, Honolulu, - Hawaiian Islands Club £tables|Co., S. F. OEAHAM, llanager. Hiivery, Keed and Hale Stables, Fort Streot, betwi*on Hotel and Beretania. Ba;h Teiephones No. 477 COnnected With 0fcand, Corner King & Bethel Sts. Both Telephones No. 113. H. MAY & CD., Tea Dealers, CofTee Roastere Provision Merchants 98 Fort Street, - Honolulu Families, Plantations aud Sbij s supplied witb choieest Knropean &American Groeeries California Prodnce by Eveiy Steamer. Chas. T. Gulick NOTARY public For tbe Island of Oabn. Ageut to Tak«J Acknowledgments to Labor Contracts. Agent to Grant Marriage Lieenses. Honoluln, Oahn. Agent for tbe Haw’n Islands of Pitt A’ Scott s Freigbt and Parcels Express. Agent for the Bnrlington Konte. Eeal Estate Broter and General Aieil. Bell Tel. 318: Mul Tel. , 139; P. O. Box 415. \ OFFlCE: Ko. 38 MERCHANT Street, Honolulu, Ht I. CHOCK LOOK, MERCHANT TAILOR, No. 321 Nnuann 8 bnet. ALL SU1TS GUARASTKED TO F2T, and UADE in * ike BESTSTTLE. CLOTHES CLEANED and REPAIEED.