Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 13, 2 October 1893 — Late Foreign News [ARTICLE]

Late Foreign News

HAR FAITH lJC HI8 B«AT. New York. September 21 — In yachting circles in aml oat of New York the fear is fre«ly eipresHedthat the V ilkyrie is at the bottom of the oeean, bariogcome ont secoml best Ln the enconnter with the big cyclone that worried seatnen on tbe Atlantic dnring the past monih. The only persou th »t appears sanguiue that the Vulkyrie stiil rides the se i and will mnke her apr>erance soon is the designer Wataon. who said he would not give ber op until some definite uews of misfortnne having befalh-u her bad l»een received. THE THETIS EEADY TO 8AIL. Vallejo. September 20.—The Tnited States ship Thet>s eame ont of the M.»re island drv dock this afternoon. Commander Hntchings imme<liately reporting his ship ready for sea to the Secretaiy of the Navy The Thr- tis will take on naval stores at onee preparator> T to the receipt of sailing orders. WORK ON THE HABTFORD TO BEGIX. Vali.edjo, September 20,—Today C »pt iin Howison, commaudant of the Navy Yard, receive<l official orders directing that th<Hartford be repaired. Work will be commonced withont unnecessary delay. Tho orders apply only to work to be done by the construction department. whieh involv<*s an expenditure of nearly $200,000. NO HAWAIIAN ANNEXATION. The viaws of Dr. Edward Bedloe, whieh we printed yesterdey, atford strikiug confirmation of tbe Kebald special e rrespon dent‘s reports that H>iwaii is no plaee for Amenoan farmers, merehaniee. traders or laborers. DrBedloe has made a careful study >f the field of labor in the islands only to fi .d tbat it offers no in-dno-mcnta to any class iu tbe Cnited States. The appointment by President Clevrland ye8terdny of a miuister to Haw» i and a ConsuI General to Honolulu does n<it look as if the administr>tion con!emplated annexat:on. lt wonld bardly be worth while to sond these represenUtives way out there if the islands were to be made part and parcel of this country. Evident)y the programme is •’No Haw iian Annexation ” — (V. F. HrmU, Sepi. 9, 1893.) THK WABRIIfOO’S CAPTAIN EIOXEBATED. VlCTORIA (B. C ). Sept 16 —A meetir g of representative manufactures and business men of tbis city was held this morning to lav before McKenzie Bowell. Minlster of Trade aod Pinanee. the faets io eonneeiion with the tnde between Canada and Australia. Among those prese t was Lien-tenant-Governor Dewdnev. The eouneil of tbe Board of Trade. after inqairing into ihe circnmstaocee, decided that the oapiain of the Wammoo waa not lo b!ame for not nnloading the Victoria and soond freight. and ins*racte»l the secretary to eommanisate with the ownen to that effecL BRTTtSH MUWKB8 *mSOP8. Lonm», Sept. 16.—The lateet

exbibiti‘ n o( a cuatiuoa.s spirit in the Bntisb anuy took plaee V\>»1 cesd*y n gbt t A!dersbot A namber of prisonen* be!ong:ng to tbe First Inf*n*ry ma(Mged to obUin liqaor, witb tbe resalt tb«t tbey bec .me b isb*r.>os und 6nally broke down tbe door of the gaardrooiu. Tue distorbance raiseil un nlaru>. tbe ganrds tnrned oat from »11 «ides ;»nd the aiai;n«*ers uere orvri owered. rXKEST IX AKOENĪĪNA New Yohk, Sept. 15. —Tlie Hirali' 9 corr©spondent nt Valparaiso cab!es; There is hd andercurrent of distra-t among offici«ls in Arg»»ntina. Federal troops are being rosssed in eainp near Snnta CHtaIin«, and Oeneml Bosch b;is been recalled from Li Plata to take conuuand in person. Secret conferences aro held daily between tbe Ministers and Ieaders of the varioas political parties These conferences have given rise to tbe idea-tbat a revolationary aprising is iminineut.