Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 13, 2 October 1893 — Dainty Missionaries. [ARTICLE]

Dainty Missionaries.

Thst charming writer. Richnrd Henry 8«v*ge, in his rrcent “The Pawing Show,” drt«s an amnsing and reilistic pict.ifp «*f the American miss : onary in Jap»n and shows what a bypocritical and fraudu!ent wor dHng he is. Witb b*»t siight relouching it would bea g-v»d pictnre of tn© emme c1»bs «>f pious frauds in Hawaii. ‘ Snugly ensconc*d in a superb scmi-paUce. a comnaunity of g,><| Araerican roissionarips b>isu«l th*>re * <> christianiaing the heulheo’' at leis ire. «n«l n<*t »>rriiy dis<1ainfui of raried craature oomf*>rts. n I judged lhis fr»m th* quariroyal maoner n whieh they lived We distarbed not lbeir pi<>us ‘*Miraua”oor «anderingfeet re«t d out under their mabcg«nr. 8ccure in their prinoely monoiain eyrie, the tinkle of the steioway piano floated oot on the fragrant night air from their ebeerfol wiad«>ws. It waa popolarly «hispered in Nagasaki. tbat Ihe choi«wt daioties. the cream of the market and the rery beet oheroots, foond their aray np lo that JoreIy home. where theee piano men and women calmly immolale tbemaehee on the all*r of “self-

dem*L"’ Even ehoiee selectioos of *‘spiritas frameoti ' and e*refally eolleii examplftr3 of tbe o!d hands of “Spiritxis Vini Oalliei,” wero known to bare cliobed tbat sculptare<l hill; It «as “good for cr«oaps.“ “a rare preventative of eholem" aud excellent to rnb witb, “on the inside.” “I am told tb-*t carefol “object lessons” in boosekeeping aeeompany the more strictly spintnal exercises. Prim stewards. with many neat handeil maidens. improve th«ir own min<U and ssve their wul* while humbly ministering to the temporal w «nts of the kindiy saints who have “eome so far to do g‘>od” to themseh'es and others. “They do do go<Kl! They do mueh good to IhemHeh'e**—whatever is tbe geueral result of their spiritual lnbors. When donble “rīckshaw" rid:ng jaunts to the liills, and pony exercise fril to revive tbeir waning spirits, I am oredibly told tbese good sonls go home to the land of the “Stnrs aud Stri|»es” to recroit, on frequent leaves of ;«bsenco, —the r pay ever rnnning on. Tbey londly urge tlie pious goggle-eyed wandering S«bbath-school child of America on tbese returo trips, to devote his stray niekels to the l>oor hrt«tliHu! The unce.«smg rattle of tbis childisb tribnte in tho “niissionMry" slot srtnres to keop tbese gi>nl s«»uls in fine fettle. All «f these upostles 1 have ever iuet with, in my world wandermgs, hrtve been wonderfnlly well-fetl and pnis|>erous iooking. Their raiment is of price. * I approve their one item of self-denial: that good standanl silks and sntins aud Crepe-d*»-eiiina. with pluin Uium» and HH'iaa mu’Uin» are good enongh for them: they disdaiu more nse less bidden embroideiy. Sleek aud f)«t are their handsome wives. who to ; I not, neither do they spin. Tbeir budding daughters aud spirited sons bear themselves with becoming prido ts represent«tives of a great canse.” T. T.