Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 14, 3 October 1893 — THE SITUATION. Not Through Advertiser Glasses. [ARTICLE]

THE SITUATION. Not Through Advertiser Glasses.

, W henever a fore'gn steamer depart* froia hene for America. the Adrertiser etiitor i» sh«ken out of his asoal letharp>' and in»tr«»cteil to write np ‘-the outlook. Tbis moruing’s issoe is j s»»mewhatweakerandmore mnddl- j ed than is asually the casepresooi- 1 ablv because even Mr Johnst*»ne | īs gettmg t ivd of coutiooally harp ng on the s;»nie . iies necessary to bo!«ter np Mr. Damou nnd the credd of the Haw,iiian trensur\'. Wehearevery day abont the gre«t snrplus of f100 000 wbich it is claimed the tre.«snry ean j bo»st of. Tbe truth isthntthero was a nmeh larger sum in the tre;»snry when the revolntion to<'k plaee and that the P. G. has shamelully s<ja.indereil the whole amonul besides ever\- ceut whieh it h»is been ab!e to rub, steal, or borrow. Thi>re is no surjilns today. The $95,000 owed by tbe goverument on tbe notes whieh were transferred by Oolonel Spreckels, are overdue and remaiu anpaid. The cash on hand in the Postal Savings Bank is not sufficient b* meet tbe amouuts for wlueh notice of withdrawal hasbeen given. The n»inister of finauce is U"w (inOctober) l»eI ginuing to talk about paying bills I whieh should have beeu settletl in July, and he is endeavor;ng to get !he Ristlon Iron Works in San Francisco to take bonds in lieu of the rooney due thera. The government has not been able to plaee its bonds in tlie m..rket. Onl}’ a small block has been tak«n—mostly »n payment of debts and when put np t • public anctiononly realiz-d94 insteadof being sold at p*ir, astate ot atfairs never kn >wn onderthe monarchy. Tbe larger receipta from the orown lands hare illegally been appropriated by the goverument bnt even the big »roonnt derived from that sonrce has been insufficient to satisfy the calls on the treasnry for tbe suppojt of the military forces, apeeial poliee detectives and apiea. Nepotism and favoritism swindling and boodle have been the order of the day. Contracts for pnhiie auppliea bave not been given to tbe lo.weei bidder, but to those who belonged to tbe family eompact and h*d tbe pnll. Tbe army has been fnrnished witb new onifonns, accontxements twice in eigbt montbs, tbe firat lot being rotten and nseless. The debts of tbe govermnent ia steadily increasing wniie it was necess;uy to m >ke apeeial laws to stop cr at least abate the run on the P«.*stal Savings Bank. Speiking with cc!.it of tbe preaent gi\verutn“nt’s finance*. t!>e Adverti*er of tb‘S njorning. saye tiut the aeluil re<v»i*ts for tbe roo tt of Sepl- j embcr, were $197.93*2.31. and the eipemiih’n'» for the s*me monih $137.068.17.’ Loukiog over tbe weekly financial i statements as reported in tbe I sesskms of the Cooncils, we find t that the actnal receipts for last : m»ntb were $U4y874,36; and the t expenditnres were $121.204,50, of i whieh imo!ct $39,678.00 are epeeial depowita to Boad and 1 School tax aeeooni. , i The Hawaiians and vīth ihem i

' tōe majority »f tbe f*>re*gT»ers | : st.md shoalder to sbou der n i tbeir fight for tbe prescrrat»i»n | }of Bawaii's iode|>eiidence and I i tbe restoration of th« Hawaiian . popular gorernou>nt —the monarcby. The news received frv»m Waslnngi**n have been of tbe roost sat»sfact«»iy natnre a«d ererything indicj*tes tfae sj*ee«ly | solutiou of the preseut s»tnation. ! The apj*ointments of M’nister Willis »nd Consul-Genen»l M«lls j Lave been rcceive«l with high s*tisf.iction by the Hawaii ans as a sgn of tbe ftna! ab;tudoument »f tl»e «nnex iti«*n scbeme and with a corresp«*ndiug dsssatisf iction by the all«getl Amerioai»s here who objeot to Wdlis, becn»se he is a Sontherner, and to Milla, hecause he is au Englishman. Trideand bnsīness are stignating under the Provisional regime and the t*roes aro b irder th »n ever kuo«n before in Hawaii. The anjx)pulnrity of the g>*vernment is consequently be:ng emphasizei d*dy and its speedy c»llapse t«» make roon» for a popular government is hope«l for and prayed for by all the well wishers of Hawaii-nei.