Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 15, 4 October 1893 — FINANCIAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]


In reply to the Adverti9er‘a “ouUook ’ of yesterday morning. we present to our re«ders in this iaaue, « rec»pitniated Uble of the Receipta and Expenditnres of the present GoTernment, eompiled from tbe treekly finattchd statements. siibinitted to the Conncils from July 5lh to Sep tember 27th, both inclosive. The memo. of expenses Proviaional Govenunent to date, the finance st!*tement of September 27th, 8»ys, it i« $136,495.80; according to the figures published under the head of expenditures, the amotmt is $128,516 05. Of this expei;drture, the govern ment has not yet seen fit to make a safi8factory detailed explaaatk»n to the taxp»yew. Since the week ending September 13tb. nol any payments were made uuder tbis bead. The amounts received for s»le of Bonds, «nd the rents of tbe Orown lands. m*king * tot«l of $91.704.88. may be considered m « debt. So may aho ihe amouni received from tbe poalal s«vings bank. Whetber the sale of Bonds have baen bon* fide aalee. or whether persons baving elaima ihe government bave *ocepted govt. boods in lieu «»f cash is not expreas!y statod. Alihoogb sach action bas been mentioned. • ~ * a . *• 1

Th« nnoonl dtie tbe d«Doett<in of ihe P. 8. b»nk oo Septeoib«r 27th tn $.>43,717.37, noliee» of »ithdrmvel« amoauled lo $29.288. Th« eesh in tbe hmok to m«el tbe »bore wa» |22,(X».92

Doee the A<irerti«r mnao «o ht that to «BMnt ot ot* r »ad aboT» the amoaol doe to depoeitor«. h»« heeo derired from Ihe P. 8. btck T If ooi, tben «hes» la tbe gaic. I» ool tbe $46,435l85 appareot!/ w-'

I fand**d to the trmsurv. stiil an amounl whieh is du«* to depoeitor$? Is it not a ew «>f borruving from Petv to pay Ppul 7 e are told that the attempt to make govera«nent bilU p«y«b!e mouthly bas heen aeeoni plisbed. So on October 3rd, July biIU were ordered p«id. A provniou for the Augoat biils whieh amonnt to $14.005.84 bas also been made Nothing mentioB«d of the Septembor bills. Why 58 the dredger agaio laid np? It has been unkindlv siated tbat a laek of fuods is the eanae. It may be possib!e. and it ie feasible to think that it i* being used in that way so as to a«aist ia the laying ap of funds to meet tbe $14,000 aad more worth of bills. to meet the provisjon made for the Rtadon lroa Works eek* tlement asd tbe interest ou tke Engtisb loan. Perhaps tbe reserroirs are be»g osed f«r the aame porpoee. Under the preeeni regime, thi* is called * fmgality.” Soeb ts the **oatlook,” how enconrnging it u». Any l*rge basinoss hoo.se with snch a skowing of its ānane al standing, wonld snspend ihe eonlinnanee of its affairs at onee.