Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 16, 5 October 1893 — Chinese Honors For a Missionary Bishop. [ARTICLE]

Chinese Honors For a Missionary Bishop.

Bisnop Anskr, tKo head iif tLo Gertni»n lioiumi Catho!ic M «*»ion in SootL Shantung h»8. we le«ra froui the y. 0 Dnily AVm», l:eeti liopoured by tbo Eui}ieror ol Chiuii witb tbe Lglit blue buttou (iinl Ci.»sw). TbU distinction lm> been conferml u}>on hiu? itx cons ilt ratiou t*l lii» meritoriooa servicee in i reserving concorcl l>et\\e*n ni»tive Cliristii»n3 anei iu>n-Cbnstians. IV ith the exce}>tion of tho ohl Jesuit niissio* n«ries tbis honour h*s bcjen eonf*rred, sO f«r hs is kuown. on oniv two othnr mission«ries, UBm«lv. the Jat*> Bishoj> of P« king, Mnngr. T;tgliHbut>. «nd PereF;i\ier, wht> received this decor5itii>n for their services in conn«-ctioD wtb tr»us{er of tbe oid Peitong CHthe«lral »t Leking.