Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 16, 5 October 1893 — TOPICS OF THE DAY. [ARTICLE]


lt is H»ti»factory Io notic«, that Hollister & Co. b®ve not sabmitto the Keamialoua treatment of their hid to fomish «lmgs for Iha Hoani of He*lth witbont a kigorons prote»t. That the Boan! aaw fit to ignore their protest, aml onanimoaRly approve of the action whieh awardcd the eonlract for tbe drug sapply to Hobrun. Newman & Co.. was of eoupae to l>e eipected. As the Boanl now is constitateil, it will t>e « eaao of *yon scratch my 4)ack and 1 will »crutch yoar». Meaan*. Sinith an<l Eaa, fiuancial«V interest«*l in the drug storo, will not forget the scrviceR reudenxl them in this matter by Messrs. L*insing aiul W«terhouse —financially interestetl in dry £o*h1s firms whieh snpply the «;torcs of the lloanl. Mr Lausing has already «howu the cloven hoof by suggesting tbut the store at the le}»er settloineiit be suppliod without tenders being ealloil ft»r. aud if he succeeds we have uo doubt that he and Mr. Waterhouso will bo all right: That the community cannot look tbe pre»ent Boanl of Hoaltb with any degreo nf confidence witbout »aying. N»ither trom a busines» view. or froin « a»urely ratslical view is the eom4>osition of tho present Board adaptoi to inspiro confidenee or < ven re«pect. Tho Advortiser «levotes eou-#-idorable «paee to reprint a l«t of not whieh ippeare»l in the Trny 8iidgeJ, and was «upi>osod to hs»T© i»oen cooc«cted by tho Ctlitor of taat pap«r, « “Oolonel ’ Mc Arthnr who risited these īslands 6oiue raonths 4go. «nd of course i*H3C»!uo jM»r(eotly oompt*tent to wtite roluraes uhout us after a fdw weeks «t«y in Honolulu. It U not diffion1t in' tbe old m»u s <auiblings t» recogoia5e the j>en of Iiia bns«om friend tbe Chief Justice And tb»t make.8 the aUtomchts āod the m;tnnf«ctured • ■hiHtory , ' «o mueh »nnre romarkwhl* •sji«ciālly where he writes «boot the access;on of Kalakana t jat we will h«ve to refhah tho <uet«iorv again of the loaruetl Chwncollor an<i «1sj offer “Oolonel" McArthrfr a le«»on rn Haw«u«n Histnry « l'he 7rt»y Hndyei s thal; Kalakana did not de: ive hia throne fn»m inheri*n«cf or blood, iuit fnhn rlection nkiek heui ta*ritfur fbr \H H;j pe*»r nnd U}'4 Ai:H *•« ike !krom tkr *w Uuiini Stnte* «smi (n vīew oK the (āoi that tbe ai)«ge<l “bstr igners’ ‘ who , plac«d Kalakaua «n the throne with a rnt« ol 37 |n vousisted mainly of tbe best" ek>mettt «i “eoloaei McArthur «Aiukl eall (hem an<i nnuibered •au>ng. tkem bi« infonuant Mr. A\i'*. -īmtd. »t is really refreshi«g 4o ioani fnon distact Tn»y that »vry r»rtuoi» t KHritiaus wLu lator on fill McArthur with I

»ionrfttiua &tvd enihnaiaam »ere *t one time sin»ply * loi of po!itic«l intrigners. To s*y th»t lbe riot *t the time of Kalakaua'a eleelion amonnted to anything more th&n a gathering of an ereryday mob is simply absnrd. Hiots led and maiiaged by Tom Bell of Waimea and other heroes( ean hanllv be termed dangero«s even by Hon. A. F. Jodd. That the gentleman who assisted in ‘ • intriguing ’ Kalakana onto the Hawaiian throne waa kind enough to overlook the fact tbat Kalakaoa really wasn’t mueh of a cbief, and condescended to 8erve as Attorney-General, later on as Associate Judgc, and finally ss Ohiel Jnstice and ChanceIlor of tho Kingdom, while his brother Oolonel Judd was kind enoogh to take the olfice as Chamberlain of the royal household, aud to “manage’’ affair« for tho late Kinp sbould not be forgotteu. We only meniion these fact«, because. although well kuown to the majority of the coiumunitv. they seem eomehow or other to slip the memory of the Lord ChanoeIlor, and to at!ect tho accuracv of the iuformation whieh be volunteers to certaiu foreigu newspaper, and their e<btors. Wh learn tb'kt the l*ilot whoee turn it was to bring the S. S. Miowen» into iK>rt, was detaiued half au honr wniting for the Port ph siciau. It is to 1k> hoped that a full investigation will bo made. and ihat tho peinon who reallv was behiud hand bo inade knowntothe public. Thiscominunity has a right to kuow. Too many slun» have been made againstpast administnitions serving utidor the monarchy, t« allow sOi>h glariug in8rttention to eial duties, to pass unnoticed. It may he tho best course, to look for a couipeteut Port ph}*sician, and loave the pilots as they are. The preseut system should howevor be chaoge«l. The Star e*iitor may well make np lus iuin<l nght nov», that th« Royalifits “are the people.” And fhat the “2:Hper ceut." arc g«Teruiug the Kingdom. only, through the goo»l will of the Hawaiiana. who for tb« thu« being, liave placed Ihemse!ves in the hands of the Gk>vemiooni of the Uniieil 8tates of Ameriea. They «xpect » jnst so)ntion o{ the case now pending. It is a)i very wuil for * that otfioer. to t«*ll now. wbat basis of pay “we onght to h*ve started here on. ’ lf it had not boeii for the $40. a month in*!ucement. and good P. O. grnb j thrown in. auA board and lo*!ging a« well. not many men wonhl have l*een procnre*l 1« carrr rifle* “for their c*use Whata 4-oimnotion tbere wiil i be. wheaaome of the riflecarriers are dismisae*! trom the aervice. Th«y wili ao Jk>obt fe«l i$y- ( ing dowu th«ir Uvea «g*in, this Hme “fc»r th« other sidc/ agtn tbe goveran»e«i.