Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 16, 5 October 1893 — The Sans Souci Case. [ARTICLE]

The Sans Souci Case.

Mr. Geo. Lyoargosi the proppetor of S iOt Souci. was lhis morniag in the DiStrict Court fn»mJ gailty of koeping » rtisorderly hoase and fioed $75 «nd c»)stH. W<* do uot inlend or desire to reflect on the des?cion of the Jodge,becaoso under our laws aud acconling to the exidenoe prudnced, we d * not see what else the Judge could h*?ve done. Bnt we decidedly wish to refleot on a law whichc«n stump an establishment ms Sans Sonci “a <lisorder!y h mae.” We have in a former issn>-* menlioneil the ineonvenicnce whieh is caused to the eommnnitv by r fosing togrant lioenses to sell liqnor at any pleasnre resort m the suburbs. 'Hie present a»lministration inaybe and ondonbte«llv is to a certain estent very “mission*ry’' in its views, bnt its members bave been too well acquamtod with the pnlst*» of their supporters to tain\ier with j the liqaor question or atteinpt to carry out a prohibitiou or teiup- | crauce policy. Tbe pre$ient Marshal has beon for years sheriti of Mawaii. aud be bas as such been fully aware that liquor was sold i at tue Volcano House as well as 1 at Puualuu, and uearly »t ev©ry I tavern or Cbiue.se on ! the l»Und. but »ltht»ugh, b« oe i casiona!ly made big »woops on tbe illieii ahope. Mtd arrested Japanese aml Cbiue.se hy thc score, he uever interfered wilh j the Volcano House aud pnt the stump of “a disord£rly hooae* , ob that famoos hoiel. And stil) the owners of tnat ostiblishmeut ( were as gnilty as was Mr. Lycur- , gus t>da3’. Wiiy sbould »uy j discrimiuation be made’ II is . beoause Mr. Thurston and some ofhis ilk are tbe proprietors of the Voloano Hoosc that the law ean l>e broken tbore witb impu- | nitj'? Or is itthat while M»rshal | Hitchco»;k a|ways enjoyed hin j bo«r there, he ha-n thad aehauee | to ••amil»” at 8»os Konei! The j whole aflair is extma«ly unfortn- i nate, and if there is any d«eenc\ ; in onr prescnt iaw uiakei>, tbuy , shonld change tbe l»ws relating to , the granting of hotel aod liqnoi ! lieeuae» and certainlv ch«nge tho , abnormiiy calle*l, th»* dison1er!y ! homae law witbout f-»rth»*r de)nv - lmagiue, w« «sk a Wiel like • S«ns Souci stampe<l in opeo court { »s banng been a d»sorderiv hoa.se | fbr the last four monllm A l.jnk | «t the visitor’» b*»ok »t lh»t p)»c« wHI dbov th»t gent1emen and • l*Ji« of tb« Mghest «oeinl «tsnd- i ing b»ve l>ecn constaat gae»t> j ■ud % i-uknw. In tbi* * dmurder)v 1 bonse" bave Mr. Paui Neamann. f Mrs. NeamanD«nd lh««r children been pennaneot renidenta for ,« eonpie ot month: the CbtefEogiaetr of tbe U. 8. B. Adams Mr. Bobert Luui» Stevensun. and Mr. H. Koeke. »re »11 inmal«s oi tbis diso(det)y“ The Uw » prepo*terons whieh «lk>ws

• eh*rge iike Uw one in qnee$toQ to be br'ogbt •paua** • firstcl*sa ltatbiog re>ort «Dd *uthorilīee who h*T*n’t got good sen« enongh to «Uow soob 1av to remain • dead letter »re eeen aore prepoeteroo«. If snch actioo is coD9idered condacive to tb« •ncoorsgemeat of toariet tr»vel Iet u& koow it: aud tbe qoicker th«t s «arrant is oot for tbe man«ger of tbe Volc*no Hi nee tbe better will it bo t<> tfae beoefit of tbe Btockhoiders īn th«t eonoem. B_v »11 mean» let us »dvertise »bro»d in tbe nest Parsdiee of the Pacifio tbat “disorderly” honae» are «a tv in Hawaii and ihare will undoubtedlv l>e an immediate boom m in touri»t traveiing The learned attorney general and the mar ahal, are to be cumplimeuted on thetr »ooc«ss in breaking np the fine»t bathing res«rt of whieh Honolnlu ever ha» been able tu boa»t aml it i» to l>e hoped that they will uot »top there, bnt withoot„ delay make the nneh MCWs*ry »woop ou the Volcano Houae. \\ itb wrecked nioameni, bad pilotage, di»ord«>rly bonwe« and no sewerago Honolulu will bave all the adveriiseinents whieh we need. tbe leārued attorney-genernl—well, ho will in the meaniime have the »npply contracts for tbe Board of Heallh