Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 19, 9 October 1893 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


The nsnal Monday evening band coneert at Emma Square. »t 7:30 o’eloek. | — A partial eclipse nf the Snti occure<l this morning between 7 and 9 o’eloek. The **Oscura” ! »nd tiie *‘inadaro” and the I ‘*greatest obscuration” all hap- [ pened at the proper intervals. so it was alright. — f wonder. « heth-r th»* Ru«s -n j vic<* Consal. brought any further despatches from Mons. Giers to President Hatch. re!at f-« the rec.>gnition of Ihe Hawaiian CommonweaUh by Roesia. — Antone Rodriguez de Codfi>hco lormerIy chief e o :e .«n I> .!d«in’* ranch »1 Miknwao sends oe the l«dlowing ‘*imprea«ioo” whieh he eialma h«s heen ruade on him; New c«pituto poliee! highly gri*>n*d bors*; new blue suil of eK.lhee, dandy cut. Enee breecbes w th j«earl buttoos, fancy boots and k;d g ovif. l'gh!I OuU de rf a »au» ge!l ~ ■ When lbe Auetralia wa* pa«sing WaUUe las* Saturdaj morning, ihe «teamer < «histle was hlown for *»>me time; prreu-.nab y a «ignai to Mr. !*aui Isenberg that Mr J. F. Hackfeld was on howrd. Whal-er-r the whiaile was for. the fact of ils haeing been h!own was enough W strīke someof th«annexatiooi»ts ; w-.ih c»>n-«i*rnat»on. One ;n | parlicular wa» very uerv« u« oe Mercbant S*tn#el. 1