Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 24, 14 October 1893 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

H. F. BEKTELMA>'N. OOXTHACTOR AXD BrilX'EE, 86 Kiag SL. Eell Tel«pLoi» 101 CHAS, MOLTENO. —Cir TO?OOJRIAI. ARTKT. - No. 511 Kic£ Street, Hooolula. H. I Give me m trial. M. L()SE. Nota ry l-*ublic. Colltcior aud (it‘nrral Un~*inrss Agent. Uatn*l T»Wph«'o# $. 1*. O. Bo\ ;CV Mt-rchant Uooolala. Long Branch BATH I N G Establlshment. This First-class BAtiung IU*st>r1 has been enl«rge«.i aml U no» open to the poblic. It is tbe l»est p!ace r»n the islumls to cnjoj a bath »n«l there is no l»etter plaee to lay off. Special aeeoium*Klations for Liulies. Tramo«rs pass the «loor ererc h«lf hourand on Satnnlars aml Sumhtys every fifteen iuinntes. JAMES SHERWOOD Proprietor.

ESTABL1SHED A D. 1863 Pioneer Steam Candy Factory! ‘ IB KK K Y amd Ice Cream Parlors F. HOR\, PROPUIETOR.t PRACTICAL ConfectioDer I Omaoieole? In »U hn&phm of the bnstnei« on AMEKIOAN, FRENCH, ENO« LISH vxd OERMAN PASTRIES MADE TO ORDER. Wedding and Birth-day CAKE8 Made of tbe very bet»t materiaL, Tm8arpnsKed in richuess of qoalitj' and ortmrnente»l in anapproackable style. at Iower prices tbaa any other estabhsbment in Honolnln. FamiliJ {Jrahan| Fanct| Bread, Goava Jelly, Presenred Tamarin<U aod Tamarind Syrnp. ALL C0NFECTI0NERT Maoofactored at my Eatab)ishment are Goaranteed t"> be Pnsmvn.i Peiue and »o!d at prices no other eaUhlnhmeni eao - compete with. FACTORY & STORE, No. Tl Hotil 8tmst, Between Naoanu and Fort Streefe BOTH TELBPBO>-ES So- 74.