Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 24, 14 October 1893 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Foreign Mail Serrlce. S<e«mship« will l*»re k,T and »rr r» frooi Fraocūoo, oo‘the f<>t!o»rinf «Ute*. till tbe eiooe of lK£i. Hov>trtr Dr» *x Hwoune Sa< P»A5C7*ro. F«. S*s F*cv<X9a> Ore*aie 8ep«. 25 AUbh»U ... Hept. 2S Mio »cra, (or T«a-i<utniii Ocs. 7 eooT*r Ort 2 < ve*o»c Oet. 17 Ao»tr»ii» —Oct. it M>overa, (rutn VmM nowi Oct. 19 «>orrr Oct. 23 WuniD«', for V*n- MaiipeiM Oel. 35 coa»er Sar». I Ao*trd • Xo». 4 Chin» Sor. 6 Monowai.., Nor. 23 Aa«tnii» .. ,Xo> . II Wammoo, trrxn VanAUiaM» So». 16 wam Sot. 23 Mkrver*, Uir Vau-Cbiu J»or. 27 oouv.T D*e. 2 Au*lr*li* Dec. 2 Oeeame Dee. 4 Al»n>ed» D«. 22 A i»tr»h» Dec. 9 Miotrvr«. (rom V»r,Dec. 14 ooo»er Dec. 23 Wammoo, Ior Vto-Oo«uic Dec.*38 coarer J»n 1 Ac»» ali». .. D<-<’. .”•) Cllj- P<-kmg.. ,4»n. 2 W»xtmik», (r>>m V*»Anstraii» Ju. 6 eouver 4au. 23 W«mmoo, from V»nooarer Sept 23

,#rom ront. Arrivals. Satnnl*T. Oct. 14. 8;nsr. -lam*-. M»koc, Ha«inad, lrom Knpaa. S«ur Mok'iiiī, McGrtgir. from Molokai 8uur J A (’auiuiM, from Wnimaailo. Departures. F*rtuv, Oct. 13. 8tmr Kinaa, Clarkr, f >r Mani aml Hawaii Vessels in Port. U 8 S Ailam». Nc1sob. U 8 S PhiWklphia. Parker. Haw Bk Andrew, Weleh. (•« Bk J. C l'ti’iger. Br wh Norma. Yokohatna. Br bk 1 > un, Peten»on. Newc«stle. N 6 Am bkt S C. \Vi».l«, MeNeill, S F. Am hU TopgslUnt.JackN.in, Port Towuaend Am bk Detroit. Nanaimo. Am bk Ceylon. Calh<>nn, S F. Br ah Co of Menooeih S. N. W. Haw Bk Manna Ala S F. Oer bk Paul I*-uberv. Iiret, Liverpool. Foreigfn Vessels Expected. [Thii< List does noi Include Stean;er»] rea*el«. wbere from. dne. Am bk Han-e'U-i 8 F (Hilo). .Ang 21 Am sehr Kobt Lewer«.. .8 F Aug 25 Am schr Transit 8 F Sep; 2S Am shr Aloha SF.. Oct 5 Haw bk P. P Rit‘iet 8 F Oct — Am bk S N C«aOe S F Am bgtue W O Irwin 8 F Am scbrQiendaU... ,£nreka Oct 25 Am schr Allen A Enn-ka Oct 1 r8Crmser Charie»tou.. Oct — Asn bk Martha Dsvis.. ,.Bo**toa Dec 20 Ger bk Naaiiln» Literpool. .Dec 30 Br »chr Villata Liverpool Jan 10 The Race. The rmce whieh was expecto«l to tdke plaee this aftornoon in the Park is otf. Mr. Hollioger having withdrawuhis horse. Thoreaeems to have been an erroneons impreassion that it was Gerster whieh has been plaeeil in the race by Mi. Holhnger. The race was to have been t»etween Uollinger's stalliou aml Schuman’8 mare. The gre«t Gerster is ret to the fore aml rosting after her victory over Lot Slocum. Thi» boautiful mare by tbe way, is one of tbe fioest br*J horses in this conntiy (out of Eilie D. by Washington) and will perhaps W ieqund by oneof the big racing atables. It is reported lhat $1000 ean buy hor whieh seems eheap after tbe showiog she made and aeeonling to prices latoly p«id for othor well-bred horsee by loeal «j>ortsmen. Band Conccrt. Th« Hkwaiian b«nd, under the leadorship of Profe«i»or Berger. wiil give a couoeirt this Satarday aUenioon at Eninu sqoare. eommencing at 4:30 o'eloek. Pollowing is the prtvgTamme to be rendered: I. MMrh-"T«wF Bc*k t Omaaw—;Sdd»i’ Sohlcjjpr»gTcU 3 S*lrot»on— ■ • A rmy OapUa' Milk>ck« 4. Wa|u-Artwt Ula' . i a. ‘ Wainfc>- LiiaKk» V K "Paa Mna*. LOmokaiaU t. L*a«r» -Uaw*u*aM«hxh«»' Bfrg«r 'Hawaii PmdL“