Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 25, 16 October 1893 — THE ADVERTISER AND THE "SURPLUS." [ARTICLE]


The Advertiser now admits—when it cannot anj' longer lie out of it —that the dabt owing —not owed, as the Tiser says. it is funny how that paper will prevuricate or misrepresent f.tcis —bv Hawaii is nearly four million dollars. lt furtbar says, tiiat “this debt was coutractod nnder tlie monarch\’, and will he j)aiil by the Frovisional Goverument. That it “will be,” j)aid bv this government. What! the debt not yet paid oH ? aml this in plaee of tlie stakim»ut made by the A»lvertiser four days ago, tbat the Provisional Government **/*<i.<« fxiid otf the puhlie indeblednes* to almost the la*l cent, aiul Miil hm a surphis on hand. ’ Well, well, well! we have always h nl the imj»ression that the AiKortiser was not overtruthful in its statements on tbe financial j cond*tion of the Hawaiian Treas- • on*. but uow the whole eomniu- ! nitv mav be convinced. that the 1 oditorial stateroeuts relating to j the jmblic finances publishe»I in < the issues of that jwj>er or. Tue>day. We»lnesday and Th«rs»lay of last week were »lownright false hoo»ls. The admission by tbe A»lverti«er. that a »lebt of “nearly : fonr millions of »lollars'’ does ex- j ist, when it had alreHily state«l | that the j)oblic deht lo almost | the last cent was paid off and i still bft a surplas, j>roves ii-elf | bv iis owu w<>nls to be a ft«Isifier. j “This debt was contracte»l nnder the mouarohv. saya th« ! Advertiser baby. As tbo Gov- ■ emuenl in the Hawaiian Isiands { for the fiftv years ha-* been I of monarcuieal form. snch as 1 seriion is obili*sb. Who eou- ; tracte»l sueh a large d-bt nmler i the monarchy ( The clique sup- i i jH>rt»Hl bv the A»lvertis-T. who | now tem|»or«rily rule the countn contracte»l that debt tbrongh ■ their “hK)!»’' in the Hoose of ! : Legislatnre. Aj)j»n>|iriations of thous.mds , | of doll« rs have keen spent | for the ** Cncouragement of Immigration,'' or in other , i wonis for the iroportation i of eooliea from all parts of the worhl;” the spending of money t-i assist tbe buiiding of rai!ro«ds j ' tbr>Dghout the h»lan»is; the pur- > \ cba.se of tbe Manoe Bailway ; tbe j earrviag oo of certaio poblic works or improvea>eots wheu any 1 sjHevial benefit was to be derived ; therefrom by themselses; maoy >

.>»her instao\'«« ought be men»io»eJ. Bot bts beeo s*ul tc «hov that a £oodlr portio«. }« the l*nppr portioo of the debl h« be*'D iooornsl for objecta bwrfl ing—more thsn »Drone «U*— those who »re now *\lamning ’ the momirchy *nJ ererybodr eonoeeUni with it- *’We h*re oseJ the n»onarchy for all »t w worth . now to Hiulo* with it." seems to be their eoanw of actu» at the present iime. There >• consistency for you an«l th* Advertiser is tho mouth-piece of that set. Let ns look at a few agaio just for fon. Ou the 31st of March. the Public ilehl was $3 217.161.1». on Joly 5th, lh‘J3, it was $3,279.826.40. as iocrea.se *in 16 months of $62. 66"» 27, of whieh at leasi $4<VOO!l raii>t bo put to ihe debit of the preeent govdrument, oo the 4th. of C)ctober 1893, il reaches the araount of 276.01 an INi'REasf. in THura jioxths of $118 449 61 or at the rate of $478,798.44 v-er annmn. Remember, that in those fignrea aro uot ineliule»! the reuts of Crx>wn L.vmls whieh wiil have to bo aeeonol* •! for, ouo of these days. Ou the 11 th. of October the ilobit is fnrther increaaed—ono w«ek—bv $12.246.73 or at the rate of $636,829 96 p*»r annuni. Comment is unnecessary, enongh proof is here fnrnisho*J to show the taxpayers, that »ho statement.s made by tho Adver tiser tonchiug on the finano:al conditiou of this conntrv s trea* nr>' are baaeless f.»brications. Wo assert, that the heavy Jraft upou the Hawaiian Treasury. hae not been canseJ by an improvident monarchy. bnt has l»ees caused by the henvy Jisburseraeuts rcquire«l to keep tho present goverument in contro! ot atfairs. wliieh in not »juite uiua months, has reached the sum of $140,639.33. Why doe» not the AJvertiser e\plain how this apparent suq>lu* e\ists' Does the apj»arent cmlit hilanee of a hundred tbousa rui Joll.»rs. prove that nmount to l>e i a snrplns? We think not. a halanee of nu»ney ean always h* retained in the treasory by n<»t makmg any p.vyments on aeeoanl of tbe goverument s Jebts, or by not earrying on pnhlie work* whieh roay cau.se the e\j»cnJitnre of money. We are incliue«i ie Ihiiik that. that is tbe way ia whieh “it is Jone ’ A Jay of reckonir.g has got W* eome, auJ when it Joe« the t»eIess anJ extravagant exper>Jiture nf the moniea dnring th? Itst niue months wiil bave to be ex!pl »ineJ anJ acconnted (or. Tite matter cf “finances'’ will be a : very aenoua question. and m»re : eompetent financial heads thaa are n »w in thi.s governraent. wj| |be reqnireJ to extrieale thw j country from bankroptcy. Where’s that surj»lus. Jobsstone' A ehiuaman oatr.ed Liung Yaa. ' sbot and kiile-i snother ehinamaa I . by the nalbe of Tong Yoog. 3t Hoaeae on Sundsy moniing. The car track »«R nsefnt to tbe rifle carrier» l*st Hatnrday. U 1 saved the Conamaoding Othcer , th« troable of drawīog a ehalk *nark iine on the street for a ioeUm. We sre tn !«m i Maoi that Mr. T. W. Evemt » it I g»«°d heailh again am) ha§ r esrhy , fully m»vered fn»ro b» recent il$ 1 uess.