Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 27, 18 October 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

A VAST PROJECT CO*miT UNE DF SCHOOVEH3 - 4wls OwrtisdtT fer JLL; Owing to onr con.stantly increa*ing 5. >:• »■<* tL» groat *l*?fuan-l of «r. api>rcei*tiog eonmuoih'. La%*> eoa* cloded to ot!or an opportanity to «U mrtu > a%inj; e«t īlai Our LINE of SCH<H>.NKKS m.n 1 ■ - ot- r {I;o UAK filled to thcir r.traost eanring c«|- e U «rith clev eool suul invigeratiag F,e ““ rg i LA8EE EEEE At the “Anehoi* Saloon." To Aeco:uniodatc onr Y«st Fleet of Schooners. r t > haw buiit a fine lanie Refrigemtor regardless of eosf. Xia.e Is the only piaee where a C'ool Ghiss of Fmlericksbur; Beer on draught oan l>e bad in Honolulu. Step fonrara genilemen, MOW S the Time. oc!4 3m

— Kewanl. The above reward wiil be paid to any oue giving iDformatiou leailiug to tho aiand oonviction of the partv or parties guilty of the murder of Dan Huug Ho\ {a male Chinese),at Hoaeae. Ewa Oahu, Saturday uight. the 14th inst. Honolulu, Oot. 1S, 1893, ot*U8 lw otfcr the p\iblic for the amonnt glven above for the arrest of tl;e part>. W'O-NO KW’AI, Pres. United Cbincse Society, ocl8 Iw lXotice. Whereas, Jos. Paakaula having rt'siguod as Agent for me, tbere fore, notice is hereby given to all pe.-3ons holdicg leases of all of my lacds, to make payments of rent to me personally at the times agreed upon at Kaalaa, Honolulu. POMAIKELANI. Kaalaa. Honoluln, Oct. 10, 1893. ocl7 Iw Thfo. P. Severin. A. 'V. Eoi>-tek, HAWAIIAN GALLERY, 467 Kcpaxc %SrKErr, Hovox.rLP, (Oppo. Qneen Eiunu Hall>. Vie\vs of the Xslancl Const*mIv on Haiiel, snch Katires Mnkīnp Poi, Grass Housos HnlahnU Da'u> rs, Coco«nnt Grur«i Strert Vicw> and Hawaiiau Sty’< Rirtint BniMings, Palzu and Dnt«‘ Groves \V«r Ve-»»ls, Shippmg i«nd Mnr.ee Views. Alao. a CoUection of all Pr>minent and InUneaiina Vi«ws of the Hawaiian DUnd« eitber monnted or QnuKiant«d. Amatenr Work Sji»cited. P.O. Box «98. SANS S0UCI HOĪEL WAIKIKI, HUNOLULU. Fiist-Class Accommodatiou for Tounsts and Island Goests. SuP£Rm Bathing Fachities. Priv3te Cottag*i fbr FamtlieS. T. A. SLMPSON, oct9 Manager. WING W0 TAI & Co.. No. 214 Kaoaan Strc«t, COMMlSSlON MERCHANTS. ImpoHm iad PeaUn ia Gty L MERCHAyDlSE. Fine Manila C:srars. Cbine«e and JapaneseCrock’ryware, Mattinps. Vases of all kinds. Camphorwood Tnanks. KaUan Cbairs. « Fine Assortment of Dres* $iiks, Best Br«nds of Chinese and Japaneso Teas of Lateet lmpcrUtions. ln$peetioo of New Go<xls Kespeetfnllv Solkīted. Mutoal Tel. 266. P. O, Box 158.

J L. H. DEE, i 1 j .Iobl>er of , \Viues. Siiiiit,\ and 'I i io'I'EL s r r„ [ ■ Between Fort aiul Betliel Streeta • OHEAP FUEL I ,|l<Ves] i A >a i j Fii^\vood f : $9.00 per Cord Oellvered V JXO. F. COLP.ruN Ā (X) K0 Im CHAS. GIRDLER. Impoi*ter anel ComniissioBi Merchant. 8PBCIALTĪES; J. St r Co«U' Maehine Tkr*aJ JonaH Brockt’ M..< Uine T)ire»l B*rbonr’« Linen Thiv*d Fe*rs’ 8onp P. O. Bos 3-VS Mntn.tl TeVphon 39i 13 Kaahamana SUve(. JUST ARRIVED, 7 m w * * ;Baby Carriages OF ALL STTI.ES, Carpets, Rugs, Mats IX THE LAT1ST PATTEKNS. “HOUSEHOLD" Sevving Machines Haxd Sewdso Mathixes, 17"AD Wiih Ue Latest Im pnrrr men PARLOR Gruitars* A«d Othn Muial Iutn«mto, I \Vines, Liquors, Beer ALWAI8 OX HAXD, 1X1» FOH SALE BY ED. 90mCHUEGEX 1 00. Kkag opfO, Cm*tU A Cook. «.