Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 27, 18 October 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

$>rnfral H F. BERTELMAJNN, CONTRACTOK ,CND BriLDER. 86 King St., Bell TeIephone 107. ' * —— -■— ■■■ ■ — ■ — CHAS. MOLTENO. —t3T tonsorial artist, No. 511 King Street. Honolulu. H. I. Give me a trial. M. L()SE. Xotary i^uhlie. C< ' r ect<>r enul Oeneml Bnsimss A<jad. Mniaal T<‘Jephoae S. P. O. Box 33S. Merchd.nt »trpet, Honolaln. Theo. P. Sevekix. A. W. UoLbTO. ALOHA GALLERY 513 Fort Strelt, Honolclc. (rjvstaix».) Portraits& Landscapes Finest ColL*ction o( Hawaiian Vie*s. P. O. Box 4WS. ESTABLISHEI) A. D. 1863. Pioneer Steam Candy Factory! IBAKE H Y amd lee Cream Parlors F.?HORN, Pboprietok. !PRACTICAL Coofectioūer I Oroamentep In *U branches of the basinese on these Lsl»nds. AMERICAN. FRENCH, ENGLISH axd GERMAN PASTR1ES MADE TO ORDER. Wedding and Birth-day CAK.ES Made of the very best material, unsarpasee<l in richness of quality antl ornamente<l in unapproachable style. at lower prices tban any other establisbmcnt in Honolulu. Familg \ Fancij BrBad, Guava Jelly. Preserved Tamarinds aud Tamariud S\ rup. ALL CONFECTIQNERY Manufactured at my £stabIishment are Guaranteed be PoemnxT Pcbe and «okl at prices no osher esubli»bment ean compete vith. FACTORY & STORE, No. 71 HoTEL STKEfT. Between Nuuanuand Fort Sireete BOTH TELEFEOXES So. 74.