Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 27, 18 October 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

LEWIS & Co., W hoiesale and Retaii Grocer$ AXD PROVISION DEALERS. FRESH CAUFORNIA SiLM0N ONICS B» E»*ry S«n Ftm; a«? Stmn>rr Salt Salhox rx Barrels A SrEClALTT. m Fori StTtl. P. O. Bcx 2s>7W.S.LUCE 3 3 3 "Wiue anel Spii*it \Iei*chaut CampMl Firt~proof Woek, MEBCHANT ST HONOLULU H. MAY & Tea Dealers, Coffee Roaslers 0 Provision Merchants 98 Fort Streot, - Honolalu Families, P}uiitation« aml Shi|>s supi>lietl with choicest Knn>p*an tC*.i rnericnn (iruc» ries California Pro«lnoe by Eveiy Stoamor. Lon§- Brancli BATHING Establishment. This First-class Bathin§ Resort has been enlarce«l aml is now o,>en to the puhlio. It i» tho best piaoe on the Lslamls to enjoy a bath and there is no better plaee to lay otf. S|>ecial aeeommodations fbr Ladies. Tramcar» pass the tloor eveiy half hour aml on Satardays and Sandays every fifteen minntes. JAMES SHERWOOD Proprietor, NAĪiONAL 1R0N W0RXS, Qnzs Stbeet. Between Alakea i Riohard Sts, THE rxtN'EP u« pKptnd to iukr ell bmb of Ir»n I3ras». Brm»e, Zine, Tm ud Lnui C«*tinc«- Aiao i Gtwnl R«pūr SF*>p 1m Bteun E&aĪM». Kk« AluK Con» MiIK W»t«r WhwU, \Yinfi Miil*. *te. Mme hine* (or tb* (Te*njng o< Coftce. Cuu 00«. Bmm, Bism, Suai, Pinaappl« Lmt<« k Fibron» PUnh. And P»pt? S(ock. Ako MiehiM (or Ejtrmeting Stnrcfa (nsa kUxuo«, Jno* Ro> «, «ie. CJT AQ Onlm pnap(l, iMnM ;o. WHITE, RITMAN « CO. WING WO & C0„ Manafactnrers and Dealers in Ladies’, Crents’ Jc Children's Boofo $joeg J$aitefg No. 33, lAl Honoluln, Nan&na Stxeotf O. Box 199 Boots and Shoes made io order in Best Stvle. at Wholesale and ReUil Pricee.