Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 27, 18 October 1893 — TOPICS OF THE DAY. [ARTICLE]


Tho news by the Oeeanie whieh arriv»tl vesterday alternoon are of veiy little interest to Hawuii. Cou>ul Oeneml Mills arriveil having l>«H*a onlereJ to proceed w ith all sj»ee»l to tho aeene »>f his new »laties. Minister Willis will probably «rrive here by the Maripn»a »lne on the ‘26th inst. j Bloant’s report has not beeu publishe»l yet but it is generally ruraorv»l that ho f«vors the resU»ratioQ of the Governraent as it was previous to Januarv" the 17th. Mr. Hastingsof the Hawaiian I.eg«tion “cahn’t beiieve it, youknow” but tobnMr. Uastings ha.s hoeoiao a not mneh wiser if a sa»Uler man since be arrivetl at Washington. aml hisboliefs don t couut for rauch. Minister Thurston aud the diplomatic Professor Alexan»ler are juuketing iu Chicago and at other places, their presence in Washington not being needed. It is mmoreil, thoogh, that they aro ven,' regular in dr«wing the:r salaries. The eeu«te is still fighing over the repeal of the 8herra*u «»:t, hul Ihe outlook ie lhat the Preeident’? raeasure «ventu.»lly w>!l carry the day. ChlcagoV day at the World‘s Fair n a grvnd sucoes9. NotleMthan 7"»0.0(Xt jx\>ple entered Jack3>n l*ark on that day, and every one uught to have been more than 3atisfied by the gorgeous ai.d unj>an»lleUd dieolay. The gre,<t yachting rtw b«-tween the VaUcyri« and lh«? h«s heen thenio?t imj>ortant topic of the day. The Americ*n yacht has won the two first rao •». and the proejiect8 nre thal ahe w»ll lx‘nl theEoglish boat toUlly. The int»'re3i i? not aK>nc 3tirrtHt up oa acc»»uat of the feelings« of nationa!ity, but aleo on account of the different principles in bvtt-bui!dineuuderlying the two yachts. In Franco the Uussian tleet has heea received with uueheeke»l dein»>nslrHtions. The receptiun of the Kossian uaval ollicers in Paris, was so dcmonstr«tive as to bonler on hostility towards Oerraany. The Gerraans in Paris have resent<Hl the nnwarranto»l deraonstration aml tbe Bituatiou is extremely procarious. Ex Presideut MeMahon is dying and 80 Fenlinand de Lesseps. i From Brazil, the news aro not j enconragiog. The foreigu men j of-war s»>eni to h«ve iuterfcred with ihe bombir\lment, but the t nows from Kio are bardly auiheniio. . Consnl-0«neral Mills will pro- • bably be asi >nishe»l when he reails the ungentlemanly «nd nnwarr«nte\l «ttacks in whieh the 8tar repreaenting th« Annexation Ctub bas indutged against bim. Th« ConsnI-General isaware tbat j the «\laeated aud resp«ctable | portion of this eommanity hoids him in the bigb«sl esteem —he c»n alf*>nl toc.;sj>euse w th tbe aqaaiut«m'esbip of the St«x editor «od his croniea. The «’.liluile uf ihe m«n whom M.;r«h>l U.tchenck wilh « pecnli«r i

*bow of indi3cretion ba* *elcct«d to be senior eapiain of poliee «t t,ic wbarf apon lbc arriv«l of thc Oeeanie deservee somc ©>mmenU. Because a noraber cf peo ple who h«vc had occision to «j*preci«te ihe courtesy &ud gxni j of Consnl-gener«l Mille. j while he wae here gecretarv to Mr. Blount fmthcred ar»nnd th«t p»?ntlemsn «nd eheercd him an*l showed the.r ple«sure over hts rival hcre ihe •‘?en:<>r c«ptain 32w fit to mate a violeat ntt«ck on the mvsse.s and by his officionsncssand indiscriminnte l>eh«vionrsacceeded in koocking sevcral- people over and injoring thera. As we bnve alwavs pre<licte<l that the dav will eome when the Marshal will rne, having bronght this leuaaina person to Honolnln. we : will now reroind them both that n repetition o{ yester»lay s atfair might end with disaster —not to the masses though. If the Marshal cannot have his poliee eommaa»le»l by gentlemen of eommon senso and discretion, let him throw up tbo game and give way for somebody who ean find proper raaterial. “Captain’ Andrews could tnke sorao valnable lessons from Captains Larsen, Juen, Parker, McGurn, and many other present anu former o ffi e i a 1 s as h o w to act towards citizens of Honololu the easiest-hnnilled people in the world bv the way. If he thinks he is «lriving couliest yet on B.ddwin’s plantations he will wnke ap one of these days «nd fin«l thnt he is making a mistake. lf a crowd gathered around Consul General Mills. and shook h*-nds with him, and cheered him what business is that of the poliee? No compl:iint either from the own?rs of tho wh«rf. nor from the Gonsul General, nor frora neighbors as to a distarbance ever reached the poliee, why this unealleil for interference? Better read sorae law, eaplain. before the tronble begins. The 8tar was very mneh disgusted, bccanse we reprinted nn address delivere»l by a sta«lent of of the I.elaml Stanf«>nl University in the friendly deb«te whieh b>ok plaee helweeu tbat University and the Universitv of of C«lifornia on the subject of annex«tion of tbe Hawaiian Is lauds. The address we printed W;is against annexation and eoosetjnently objectionable to the Star an«l the “Clnb.‘ If the editor of the Star had taken as maeh pains to sta«ly the sabject j on whieh he h»8 been writing for | the l«st e<ght months as > thoronghly as eridenUy the •*s»>phomoric veal ’ has, as he i elegantiy terms the yoang stnj dent, it «t>ald bave been beuefij eial for himself as well *s for the | caase whieh h«s s*laried and fed : bim By the way h»s not the “boss’ of the SUr.the «nneiaUon club been more th.m pleased by j enrolling and «rming *nd asing I as soldiers nut nlone *‘8ophomoric ' ve*l,” bat even class ; vealr' Why then this sneericg j «t • young Americ*n who h«s « l»etter right to dicass * qaestion | of vit*l interest to his coantry tbaa h«s any reneg*de Americ«c who hvs tarue<.l his b.«ck on the l«nd of his birti> to piek ap th« crambs whieh ean be galhereii in * foreign coactrv-. For hisspeci*l d«iect*tioa r we shaT pablub shortiy the »econd *ddress de-

lĪTered by anotber * 'aophaaione veftl*' in tbe Leland Sunfoni Uoiversxiy. We are informed that tbe Atuerieans in tbis town intenJ to organize an American leagne. We fully sympatliizo wilh snch a move irrespective of the political color whieh the Leagne may assume. We sbonUl have iiaagined tbat true Americans wouid b»ve been migbty tiretiof appearing in a aud insisruificant minority in that remaikable eon£rlomer.ttion known as tbe 1 C Annevation Club. We shall iu our next issae t.*ko up tbe Star’s remarkable an>wer to our remarks about the proposee Hawaiian exhibit at tbe Midwinter Fair. Tbe most amusiug thing to us is tbe referenoe to the “low wbito populaiion whieh tbe Star cluims is connectod with tho Hawaiiana. **Low-white!’ Good Hoavens aml thut from Mr. Smith the mouth pieee of the ! annexation clnb! Mo hope the English and the Gorman colonies living in this country and opposed to annexation will fully relish the latest epitbet of the ‘*gentleman” editing the Star and representing the refine<l * gentlemen of tbe club. Low-white. forsooth! Mr. “Smith.” » ■“