Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 27, 18 October 1893 — CORRSPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]


[We do not hold or.rselres responsible for tbe opinion* or the utterances of our corre*pondents.] Ei>itob Holomua;—I wonder if tho.se veterans’ who spread theraselves last Satunlay al>oard the Philadelphia covered frora head to foot iu tinsel, had sense enough to stop and thiuk for a moraent. that the officers aboard the Philadelphia raust have smiled in their sleevos, at the spangled turkey-oock aml awkwani appearanee cf those bold warriors. What looks more ridiculous than to see a half dozen backwoods hoosiers, dressed np in gold laee and cocked hats, whieh tho.se same mon if they heard of a dozen native being seen together with two old rice-bird gnns. they would scramble like geese aboard of the man-of-war and beg for protection. 01d raan Stevens is the father and heod centre, of all these gow-gaws of our spoilt children. The only powder these gold laee daisis have ever-smelt in battle, was when they went to war with Koolao, his wife and his baby, whieh ended in a stampede, that threw 'Bull Ran in the sh»de. Anti-Craxk. i |