Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 27, 18 October 1893 — Band Concert. [ARTICLE]

Band Concert.

The P. G. band, wil! give «eother concert at Thomas S<jaare, this evening. FolIowing is the programme: PAKTI. 1. M»rch—“«rwān|E»" Dwring 2. Owture— "Po*« *nJ P#««*nt" .Supjy 1 Ftn»lc—“Brf»K*r*o" Oonimu 4. S«Wūon “F —‘** oi PiMuuno*' SaOiTms P.VRT II 5. Sekciiea—**En»*nī” T«rsfi 6. FutaM—•'Xigt!ting»l« Fr ,EiWnbyrg 7. “1C«1 Nighta’ Srr»o« 5. Qa*>lnQc—"Con aad Bos* SaQrn*ci “Bmii Ponoi.’*