Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 28, 19 October 1893 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


Lero is that surplus? T!ie Councils are in sessiou tbis afb3rnoou. Tbo baiul did not plav last night owing to the heavy rain. How many thousands of dollars is the debt increased this week? The band plaj*s at Thomas Sqnare to-night—weather permitting. The Naval Conrt is in session to-day. The proceedings will probably be ended to-morrow. The steamer W. G. Hall will resame her trips to windward to-morrow morning at 10 o'eloek. If that marine had drnnk “P/ G. beer” instead of “Nnnann street gin.“ he in all probability wonld not have s«ea the poliee station. Tbere was an elegant reception at the residence of Mr. and Mre. Mutch on Tnesday nigbt in honor of their wedding. A nnmber of friends ca!led and presented their best wishes f*>r the fnture happiness of the yooag eonple. The following passengers took passage on the steamer Oeeanie for Japan and Cbina yesterday: Miss Pa»ten. Jno Giltig, F S BUnn and wife, Mrs Gillig. Clay M Green, H M Gillig, Fr»ok L Unger, P Heniaehel, H Taksahima, Loais Mornong {Morningstar).