Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 29, 20 October 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

A YAST PROJECT COXSTAIĪ LIXE SF SCH00XE8S — A3jte OjpsrtU[t? ftr ALL' (>wing to onr consb»ntly incre«sing bnsisicss and the cn*at <iemncil of an appreciating coznmunitv. bave eou* cliuled to «fler an opportnnity t« nll |'artscs haviog eapīk»! Our LINE oI SCH( N " seen gluiing ovor tiie BAH fiUcti to their otm«st c;vrrying eapacttv v»ith c!e*r. eool aml invigv>nitiDg Fr.de,lck.burg j LA(JER Bm m the “Anclior Saloon." To accommodate our \’ast Fleet of S\-hoc.ncrs v« hi\e built a fine large Kefrigerator regardless of c«st, nie fs the only plaee wbere a t\>ol Glwss «{ Frederickaburg Beer on draught ean be bad in Honoluiu. Slep forward gentlemen, M)WS the l’ iue. ocl4 3m

Eewanl. The above rewanl will V»e paūl to any one giving iufomi:ltion leading to the air- st aml convietion of tho party or parties guilty of tbe nnmler of Dan Hung Hoy ia male Chinese), at Hoaeae, E*a Oahn, Saturday uight, the 14th inst. Honoluln. Oct. 18, 1891, octl s !w otfer the pnblic for the amouut given above for the arrest uf Uie part\. WOSO KWAI. f res. Unite«l Chinese Society, 00I8 lw >sotice. Whereas, Jos. P:\akaola having resigued as Agent for rae. there~ fore. notice is hereby given to «11 l>ereons holding leases of all uf my Iands, tu make payraents of rent to rae |>ersonally at the times agreed njxin at Kanlaa. Honolulu. POOMAIKELAM. Kaalaa. Honolu'u, Oct. 16. 1893. ocl7 lw SANS S0UCI HOĪEL WAIKIKI. HONOLOLH. Filst-Class Accommodation for Tounsts and lsland Gncsts. Supērior Bathing Facilities. Private Cottages for FamilieS. T. A. SlMPSON. oct9 Manager. ■ Notwithstanding ail “brajg:ng v to the contrary Omaul <lener»l Mills received his exe«juator fn oi this Goveruuient ye«terdsy. NOTICE 0F PORECIOSŪRE 0F MORTGAGE In »en>niafi<« wiU» • po»er ot wle «?nm » op.-lain m*>r!g»g. m*de hr wvl betir«m KAHALEKOl' ot KMdb.<n t X. Kooa, I«Urxt o( Bi«a Bi»«un o( th* firrt pwt, »n<J H. X, Ttwh», o( llooohila. Otbo, ol tb* wmo<! pan, iUio) Mnrch .■>«*>. A. D. Is< »ad monM in tb« 'Scr <>f tbe eoamuMM, >n L’Im yu. r 835. tod wugaed bt uid II. X. f«Uf, Tni<W, to N*o< t K. Lmb br ;n*tmuiTnt dtl«J A. D. 1\90. »o<l iworW ia Liber 99. F,Ato 354. u4 for bre*rfc -J o«J*litj. n o 4 tbe «boT(f Ke£t»B«i BOTtsqr tbnvfore tfce ot M»īd bmbj (im roi« tfcat »W will c*trr inlo lb» «<ii of ak, ud tfc»t *JVr tb« npmU>n of tbre« (10» ib» tfcr pn- ■>»» wetoF«i m «ud mort%/kfe will fc» mA) st pohbc »«odoa »1 tW aeWmoai ot L. J LK VEV &a Birott!i at 13 o'dodk aoua of lb» 44b <i»T e* A. D. 1S88. For («r.brrMbcchn iaqtiāv<J i. L KArLrKOC. A»lumr lcr XAXi V K LOLIK. Hooolala. Oe»ofcer Utfc. A D. I P:rei«s do«nbtd ta tfae. tbot« •i AB tLat nm hta ! <Hct> at Koian, K«;afcma Ho< oiola. Oaha. Wiae Apu« t 6t»enaetil ia M b«n iknūa i * KMpaaka* to Kafcal»koa, aaU rroctrebyl m tba *S« <4 th» B*tr<tnr d OeemuM a Liber 15, FoGo JR aad eoafcditiag aa oOMeOaea. ā£%m i •- ■ IHH

L. H. DEE, Jobber of S|)iiils iim! \'m HOTEL Between Fort and Bethoi Streeu. OHEAP FUEL l^resli .Als:orol>;\ Firewood I $9.00 per Cord Oe!ivcred. JSO. F. COLBURX A 00 MCB lm CHAS. GIRDLEH Impoiter an«l Commissi .n Merc*hant. 8PEC1ALTIE8: 1. t P. CV>»1»' Maehin* Thn-a<l Jon4n Bnw.k»’ IWkiu» Thr«*'l Baru»ar's Lineo Ttu«aii P«*ar>' 8u*p P. O. Uoi 3S8. l'alul .191 13 Ks*ham«Dii StrKl. JUST ARRIVED, •? g v |Ba.by Oairiages OF ALL STVLJES», ; 0tfpet& N|atg ( LN THF. LATE5T PATTEKV> “HOUSEHOLD" Se\ving Machines Ham> SEvriNr, jy Aū W«h thc Ulni lapnmii^LU'^] PARLOR Organs, Guitai"s. I And Othrr Umal ln*traisente i \Vines, Liquors, Beer ALWAYS OS HAXD, A.NP P0B SALE BT ED. H0IT8CHLiEGEB 4 C1 ae.. op f0. C**d* * CooAO