Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 29, 21 October 1893 Edition 02 — TOPICS OF THE DAY. [ARTICLE]


So ThurHtoii ihe renegade | AmeHean Hawnii«n, Ol*‘eon tbe lleverend, »nd Armstronp the ; renegxiie n'>lx M ly, nppro\e of. ( an«i a«lvo<‘ate tne prompt evicti«>n of all Royali*ts froiu tlie Proriaionai Carop. or in other words “fire tbem ont of office. Tl)at | soun«Is very g«>od aud smart, • coming froin tln')w* wbo bave left i the couutr> aml who never intend | to retum to it again. Star Smilh, sav«, “as for the Court of inqoiry, thut roust t ass 1 for a poliiieul burle8que." Very I good, tben any bolding of a ; Court by our preaent Chief Justice | and two or tliree of bis satellites i must be placed on tbe sarae footing. lf the Star does not know it. then it mnst l>e made i aware »f tbo fact, tli«t tbo Naval Conrt latc’y calle«l by H. B. M s. Minister Reaidont is as leg!illy organi/ed a Court, as any Court , conveno*l nnder tho Cunstitution of the Hawaiian Kingdoro, aml presided ovor by tbe Chief Jnstice. Tbe Troy Budget seoms to enjov the special confidence of the men who hold the respon}dble jiositi«>n «>f Judges in Hawaii an«l th«‘se L gh «>fficials corT>'apond with Mr. Mc Arthur the editor of the ī! witb a chariuing aud very rofresbi«*g frankncss on all m.«tt*‘rs social and poliiieul c>>unect?d \vitb Hawaift We bave h«d tho ple «snre in a forraer issuoof pnblLsliingthe poli iieal letter of Chi« f Justice Ju«ld in whieh tiie Liord Ch>ncellor finallv CH«ue out m hialnie c«*l«*rs an«l provtsl hi*i*self an active poIitieian aml annexationist w«> nre now indebt «1 to the Advertiser f>>r i>ablishing a aimilar le*«er frora a most distinguished Uwyer, « h»gh jud2e, a nat«ve 1 Hawaii, b«>rn of Anieriean pare««ts who re»ides at Hilo, Hawaii.” The ouly *‘high Judge" |>orn in H:*w ui of Araer c.«o parents n*si«liug in Hil«> 4s Judge F. S. Lvnian, aml we mnst thc*refore pr* sunie th*t he is the »ntbor «*f the letter or jx>ss«bly Mr. D H. H!tcbc«K.*k who at one iiuie w.-*s a petty Jn«lge. M e admit that tbe r i«l**ud«t\ is soinewhttt disgu s> d bv usmg the term a *'ra«>sl «listingu;shetl Uwyer ’ bnt ihen Mr. McArthur‘s ini «gination httspi»ven itself v* ry p> werfullv developed wh*eh facl might explam the otherwisa uneXi>lainnble d«scnpU**o > f Mr. F S. Lv min as ;« !awyer or M'. HitchC«>ok as a J«idge. Ttu« “pol lieal h»gh Jadge wntes as f«dl**ws: “Poiit.cahy we are »Ih>uI the san>e when \v*u left. The govcnuuent «re stronger today tbno the«r f*Hw». aod tmre is uo fe*r l>ut thnt we c.«n botd oor owu •gttiust theui. The r»*yalist cr»wd aro ft-eUng pretty s.ck **t Spreckela’ |«Amg tbe<o, as Uiey »re t ery sbort uf tbe &ioew« of w*r.

Now. my de*r »ir. I w*nt yoo to on*ierst»nd tb»t tbere sre only a sraall nomber of the n*t*ves »h*> care moeh wbat country roles h*-rc. lf yoo will give them plonty of Āsh and poi. and not tax their dogs, tbey will vote for voo everv tirae. I fiud tbat inost of the kanakas are very apathetic as to whether we are anneie*! or not. The present government h«u» not gono haek on tbera and aresatisfied. lt ts only lhesmall httlf white class th*t are agly. This »s not si>eaking ug«iinst tbe whole of that class. as m»ny are finn annexationists. I Ooly want l'nele S,m to take ns by the liHi)d some way and helpjis on uur feet.' We trost thst tl»e natives who so far h»ve kepi th«.| high Judge’ and faruily in office will appreci»te the description of their politicHl standing and abilitv, aud in due tirue will retnenrber tbe kimi rem:>rks of tbe Judge.

Tliere is one seutence we desii-e i t<» eall sj>ecii*l attentiou to. and : that ie wh©rothe‘bigh Judge says ! th«t 4 *if yom will give theui (tbe i uatives) plenty of fish and poi, and n >ttaxtbeirdogs,tbey will votef< r vou ever>' time.” Now wo are i gorr>' to l>e obliped to snv tbat tbe “bigb Jndge in this instauce niakes himse)f ont to be a ven’ cheerful liar, a fact whieh everv electiou in Hilo so far has demonstrated. Iu spite of tbe most frantic efforts ou the part of the “high Judge” and tbe clique to whieh he belongs the natives of Hilo havestood solid and have defeated witb large majorities tbe emdidates supported by tbe re(onii j>arty. In spite of poi an<l fish and even hanl cash the 1 natives of Hilo refuse<l and still | refuse to be wheedletl around by I tbe “higb Jndgo” uml bis eolleagues. N >w this fact is sofamiliar to Judges Lyman and Hitcbcoct tbat we cannot seo the object in falsely iej>resentuig in a fore gn newspaper tiie Hawaiiana as a semi-barbario»s apaihetic j>eop!e. Wh*t uation as a whole t.*kes more iuterest in, and is better postetl on internal politics than the Hawaiian? Whero d<> we fi d among labortng classes «n e»pial iv large numl>er of ne»sj>aj>ers greedily read by every man. womau, and boy? In Irel«n<i now fightiug for self-governroent. or in the Araerioau hamleh» inhabited by illiterate Irishmen, Huugrtriaus, Italians, «ud the otber n itioual<ties admitted to tbe rg ts a >d privel ges as citizens in ihe Great Republic? Go to Mr. * b gb Judge" and ; oaase to foul yo,ir own n st. It ’ is *iioeaud truly Cbristian f«»rthe 1 “high Judge ' to deride at. aud ‘ coudemn tbe Hawai*ans aml tbe balf wintes. W« tvme«ober yet i instances wb re tbe Haw;*iians i were g< »ihI eu»»ogb for tao J dge : atid bis very uear reUti*»us \es. ! an in>t«uee wbere the nearvst of i km to the actual *‘b«gb J<ulge ' was taken uuder tl«e »nns and sui p»-rted for years by « kauaka wbo fii>l Jrop 4 ed b*m wuen be j fouud tbat bts Christ*«n fr ©nd ! had ble*I h»«« t*» tbe lune «>f ! about 570,000. Tu« ie~s said i ! ag,* the natives by the vtri ioooa Jn*tges f thu» c**antry, the j better f«»r liiem 1( ever we • shv»uid feel ibeiir.ed t > wnle I I sotue faiuity bistory and sooe [ Tem»niseences uf d«ys g *ne by )<rrci«ance tb« Cbnstt>n Jodges, > oue «nd «U vd) be (oaud t*x> bgbt on th« scale oI jastice.

cbaritv, and honor, sn«l tbo despised Hawaiimn *ppe*r maeh ihe better of tbe two. Whatever thongh the high Jadge of Hilo writes in tfae ne«spaper of a hamiel like Troy, wiil not atfeot tbe destiny <d this I eoaoln'. The I niUvi States will j neither anuex Hawuii nor assist tbe reneg:wle Americans here to trample on tho rights of the Havaii»as and the principles of self-gorernment —of that, all onr poliiieal Judges e.m rest assured and it will be finally proven to them in a ?hort while. but a I question of greater importance yet, is: Shall the Judges of ! this land be alloweil to appear publiclv or privatel\ in the pross or on the stump as politicaI »gitators and active partisaos? Every fairminded mau must answer decidedly no. If

the pnnty anel bonor of the Hawaiian Court->i are U» be upheld tbe Judges must keep aloof from partisanship anil political metldling. lf tbey refuse to do 8<» it beh»>ove9 the people to take »ermc measure8 and weed the obooxious member!» of the heueh out fr»m the top t» the b »ttom. Governinent by the peo ple will be eelahiiahei in Hawaii. 09 9ure there i9 a heaven above U9, and tbe fir9t mea9«tre of such gover»raent must be t» re-e9tabli9h the c»nfidence «»f the nalion in the ju9lice and itnpartia!i , y of our Court9. Let the men on the Bench beed the w,»rning bcfore it ls Uh> late. We cannot agree with our osteemed moruing conteraj*orary in regard to the abolisbmont of tbo secret sessions of tbe Councils. lf tbe geutlenaen whom tbrough tbe good offices of J. L. Steveus bave been m >de Legislat»rs after bavmg been defeated. time after time at thc legitimate elections are going to sjmuu1 their time 111 d-scussiug. if tbe sen'ants nnd retaiuers of tbe Qu en ure having new trousers mad»* aud if tbey »»rc being made bv Ahana or Akana aud tbe material and pnee of s cb garmeuts. for decency s s »ke let tbein do, it at tbe most secret aud m»»st «peeial sessions. fue farce ean l>e c»rned too far.

We u»ders:tind tlnt the text u<ed iu Centml Union over “the kingdoni of heaven i» jHiring on tne sensitive **ars <>f tbe Christian republicans wlio sopj»ort the P. G. It is expect«d tbat to avoid all ill foeling a law will be |ia«8e«l preveut'og in the future tbe nse of the old text «hieh will be amended so j»s to read the * ‘ 1*. O. «•£ heaven." | — It is rumored tbat if the Mmisterof Fin«nc»* kīcks again wheu the “Pa|>a t<f au<»e*attou tenden> silver .n p y»uent of rei.t he c»n step out and d<»wn or ‘‘Papa” and the Cb*b wdl—well pull his ha:r so h’e w»ll uever be an he r »gain. Gtncss this— Ail |»er8ons in «rrtMrs for W«t«*r R»U-s »re herebv n<»tifi<*d th*t «II Delmqoent -W«ter rett»am ng nap<*id »fter the 31st day of CX't*>l>«T. will be snspend<d w»thoutfnitber noiiee. Who are to be saq*nde*l. the ‘per»»n8.’. or the “delinqnent water r*tesr Base b«ll this a(lernoon.