Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 31, 23 October 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Emma Square Concert. Tbe P. G. baml will render the following progmrnme at Emma S«]aare this erening: PAET I. 1 M*.vh—D*lhoosīv" Oook - Orerture— * , (>nnton'’ Pett«e 3 CUrioDei *olo—‘‘KomnnUe'.., Thcmton 80I0 U Mi Wm. K«o«l). 4 "Kenimiioeiioo» o( Verdī" Godfnj P.ART n. 5 '*Tanat>oku> oa • G«nnan Song" Oeha 6 Scht>lti!9che —Sitt*en". Holliuon 7 W*ltt-"The Soorce" W«]<lteafei 8 Polkn—*‘Red and 6iack~ Cooto "Hawaii Ponoi. - ' Mr. MoDowelI bas commenced work on his aeheme to flo«t the steamer "Miowera.” The Uaknowa won the basebali game last 8atarday, after a welL played game. The score stood 7 to 4. The Japanese from tbe steamer Miike Mani. will probably be landed tim afternoon. They will remain in qoarantine nntil FriWbat’s tbe matter witb that Makiki ptunping pUnif £ither the Baperh>tendent or the pamp is out of gear— Perbaps both?