Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 31, 23 October 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

The P. Q. banil gives a concert at Emma this erening. The steaniers Kinan. Claatline, Iwaiani, Kaaia. Waiaieale antl Jaa. Makee leave for their respec* tive ports to-murrow The bark "11. P. . llithet, broagbt the foilowing passenpers from $an Francisco.—Mrs. E F. Hotfa>ann aml aon Mr. Wood antl wife, Miss Wood and 1 Japaneae Th» following persons from the oth«r islantls amred in tbe city yesU»rtlay: From Maai.—Miss K. K Corn well. W H. Cornwell, W. Von Gr*evemeyer, Miss M. Beckwith. Mrs. S. H. Dowsett, Rev, J. Okabe. Father Mattbias. Mow Chin and wife. and 21 on deck. From Kaoai, - Dr. Sharpe, Prof. Libbey, F. S. Sobr, C. Berlowitz. £L J. Q. Brvant. H. Hulbert, C. H. WiUi». Ā. Lindaay. Miss Lindsav, Mr. McDonald, J. A. GonsaJve<s, Mrs' McQvieen. Mr. Gandall and son, Mias Gandall, Miss Bargeaa, Mr». Kaheie, and il on deck.