Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 32, 24 October 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

A YAST PROJEC T CjSSTi«T L!RE CF SCE0GHE8S — iapl? 05jsriy>!T ār ALt Owing to orr consUntlv inor«AsiDg laM:e»»r..! tl « great dem.uu! of an appreciating community. «e ha\>* ti elmlei! to ot!er «n opjiortunity to «11 parties havicat (>nr LINE of SCH(.X>NEI>8 in*y ho set»n gbding orei tfcBAK fillet! to their utmost eam ini; capaettv mtb ci?-ar eool au<l inrigorating F,e t'pSrt bu,!l | UŌER BEEE Atthe “Anchor Saloon." To «oeonjmot\:;te oor Vast Fleet nf Schot>ne-s e e l a\e bnilt a fine Iarge Kelrigerator reganlle.ss of c»»>t. Tl2.e Is tbe on!y plaee where a Cool Glass of Fredericksbui Beer on draught c«n be ha.l in Honoiuiu. Slep gentlemen, NOW S tho Time. ;; P1

Reward. A Postal S*viugs Bnnk Book No. 4<>ō has beeu lost .»t iuy re-.i-<lence dnring this month, who ever fintls it and retr.rns same at , my residence at Heeia. Koolanpoko, Oahn, or at the law otfice oi Jas. K. Kaulia, in Hunolnln, will receive a reward. Mhs. Mikala Kaulia. ( Honolulu, Oct. 23, 1893. oct23 Im Notice. 1 Wbereas, Jos. Paakanla having resigned as Agent for me, there fore, notice i» hereby given to ull persons holding Ieases of ail of ‘ my lands, to nmke pHym«nts of rent to me personally at the times agreed npon at Kaalaa, Honolnlu. POOMAIKELANI. 1 Kaalaa, Honolulu, Oct. 16. 1893. ocl7 lw ■\VANTED By a young intelligent Oerfnan a situation. not afraid of h tr l work. low wagcs Apply at the Olfice. Oct. 20 Iw sans souci hoīel WAIKIKI, HONOLOLU. < - -*s Fiist-C!ass Accommo«lation for Tounsts and lsland Guests. SUPERI0R BATHIRG FAClUTfES. Private Cottages fbr Farm!ieS. T. A. 8IMPSON. oct9 Maoager. “fatboy; I P. McIXERXT, Pionimk. Fine Liquors. Wines and Beer. C«eus a5v Hemn. &r». Tmb>. P. 8m»u. A. W. Eoima. HAWAIIAN GALLERY, HS7 XtTA»r c ntxrr. Hv?«otrLC, (Oppo. Qtmi Eaen Vie\vs of the Island I ComUbUj on Haavi, neh w X*trrr* Poi, Hnnem, Coec*mt G«o*«n Strort V«w»sd Hmuu B<ukLa£», Paha ud I>«i> Gm« >kippiAg «ad Ako. a Laig«> Coiketiaa of *U Pmaiam t a»d Vim«< Hawaīmn «itW oonawl ot W«rk P.O.l I

L. H. DEE, Jobl*«r of \\m tyirits anil \hn HOTEL ST.. Between Fort and Brtlie! 8tre*‘ta OHEAP FUEL Firewood $9.00 per Cord Oellvered. JNO. F. eouU’liN a eo. «•-.*> Im CHAK. GIBDL£R Importor niul Commlssiv)o SrEv.lAI.TBS ). k P. Oxt«' J<‘R3» Enx k*' Marht&« Th;ea<) BaH*'nr'* Linen Thn«>l Pe»w’ So«p P. O. Boj .IVS. Mnin*l T»W>i.b«iw ;a» 13 Kaahnniwn Stir*t JUST ARRiVED, q s Baby Caniages OF ALL 0TTIXS. W|at^ B THE LATEST PATTEUXS. “ HOUSEHOLD" Sewing Machines Haxd Snrixo Maohwe», W AU Wlih th» L&»t PARLOR Organs, Guitars. Aad vXhfr M«mi1 iMn&nu Wines, Liquors, Beer ALWAI8 05 HAXT>, AXD POB 8ALE BT ED. 90FF8GHLiEeEB t Ci Ktag 8*.. oppo. Cwtl* M Ciok*A