Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 33, 25 October 1893 — Where Ignorance Is Bliss ’Tis Folly to be Wise. [ARTICLE]

Where Ignorance Is Bliss ’Tis Folly to be Wise.

i t (This wh not at Waūkeakaa FalU. i ) A yoang gentleman aml a ]&dy > eompanion. names are withheld, l while enjoying a ramhle throngh > the woods, eame to u pretty and ) sbady spot near a sparkliog pooi > o( water in whieh tbe trees and t Terdure near by were prettily f reflected. t Attracted by the beanties o( . natare, tbe ramblers seated themon the banks o( tbe pretty » pool in whieh their own fignres f soon were reflected. The young heart« were enjoying the sccne as , young bearts know how, the . young man was gazing intently on the water admiring the reflec- , tiocs tbereīn, when his eoapannion madethe remark. “eo; I am sure no man eret saw »ay anklee." A (ew seeonds aileneo, : the yoong mao with his eyes still gazing oa tbe water answered • N-o- ’ Sileoce Tableaux. ~Tmik.