Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 34, 26 October 1893 — N. Z. Observer and Free Lanee. [ARTICLE]

N. Z. Observer and Free Lanee.

We «re in receipt of a file of the -V. 7.. Oh*ervrr >i n-l Fire Lanct One of the mo«t vigoroo* ioarnals puhli«he<i oo our anti* podes. What a pitv tb«t our jearned Attorney-General or oar pres« cen»ors h*ven't got sach • p«per to de«l with. and sbow their “liberal" »pirit on. We congratol*te tbe editor of tbe Obserrer opon the f«ct lhat he i«n t in basin«w bere. Hi« fotore c*reer might be b*mpered by *n inTolant«nr rac«tion to |he gover.rnent j*il with a&limiled «ork und limited s*It s*lmon and poi before bim. Tbe ‘*mon*rchic*l despotism of Gre*t Bnt*ia *nd hor eolonie* seems lose d*ngeron* to * free pres» tb*n tbe *llege<i repablicao (onn of gor«rnmeot of Hmwaii.