Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 34, 26 October 1893 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

NEW Eui'opean I^B^fcaurant, No. 509 Hotel Street. Stenk. H'ini K<r£» ‘*>r 25 ct-«. Bo- rd.ng $4.50 i**r <*eck. <>r 21 Me-I T ekel* or $4:50. Ko*l tnr»*e tiroes a week, cooking on f rst oiH »tyle. Meuia at «II bours CIIOC’K SIN0, . cl26 1 m Propneti*r. WANTED By a yoong intelligent German a sitoatioD. not afrutd of hanl work. low wage» Aj*ply at the Oi!ice. Oct' 30 Iw LEWIS & Co, Vtholesale and Retail 6rocers AXD PR0VISI0N DEALEBS. nm CAL1F0RN1A 8ALH0N ONICE Bj E*en 8 ui PniKMO)) K'auiw. Salt Salmov Pf B ar&cls A Sl *ClALTT. /// Fort St., HohoImIm. Tel. 240, P. O. Dox 297. Club Stabks Co., S P. (.KAHAM U«aag**. Livery, Keeel and Sale Stables*, Fort Street, between Hotel «n.l Beretania. īekphowM N«. <77 donnected With Haek $tand, Corner Kisg k Betbel Sts. Boti> lokpkMM» -V>. 113.