Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 35, 28 October 1893 Edition 02 — A GEM OF ART. [ARTICLE]


After the Shooting was Over. In tb" wind«m of the Pacific Hard«a- ' Company i» exhib;tvd a beautif ii |>ictnr« in erayon of r lot i>f and ducks hanging on a polo at the ends of whieh are two i'unooe Nimrods Messr8. W. Cunni iiiham and Captain J. B!ack. T o hsndsorae dogs and two first ch-s gs:ns indicate how the game got >n ihe pole. .Every sportsmac and every man whi* prefere eatiinr the birds to shnoting them 8hoold admire the pictnre whieh is the work of Mr. Good of J. J. William» art gallery, the in8cr:pti'Mi- having been eiecuted bv Mr. Jacobsen and the bandsoiue frame furnishetl by the Pacific Hardware Co. The two Nimrods aro simply m«gnificent. There raight be some doubt in the mind of the spectator whether tbey are prepared to hold up a train, or whether the slangbter of otber people’s birds is their real and only ptstime. Captain Black looks roartial and the expression in his eyes seems to indicate that he, like tbe lamented George Wasbiugton, never, no, never—well never mind abont tbat batohet. Cnnningham looks Cream Rye and the dogs are really ornamental. The onK * mlt we find with the picture i.' th.it there is no indication wbere tbo bappy hnnting gronnd is wberc soch a d.iy’8sp>>rt ean be had. It would probably be of intere«t to many ?port9 to know aomethmg more defimte aU>ut the whereabouts of Mes9rs. Cunnii>gham and BIack's ahooting righta “on tbe other eide ol' tht Chinese Theater. rt