Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 35, 28 October 1893 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Alrntisrmrats Long Branch BATHING Establishment. This Fir*t'Cli*ss B*thmg H«*sor4 bas bceu enl.trge«l »nil i> no* open to the puhlie. It i* tb« best piaee on tbe inl*nd» lo enjoy a b*th aml there is no better pUee to Uy off. Special meeomnii»d.Htions for La»lies. Twmo*Tri pass the door arery half bourand on S;itnr>is vs »nd Sund*ys ovorv fifteen minntes. JAMES SHERWOOD Pn.>prietor. NAĪIONALIR0N W0RKS. Qct.ex STKErT. Between AUkea & Kiohanl Sts. TME UNnEB8IGXED «r* pr*p»n«d w mtkt rll kimb ol Ir»n UrA<s Hrv'nir. Zmc. Tm tml I/«d C««tiso- Also » G«srnl Rrpi*ir Shop for SUtuu Eninuw», Kiee MUU, Cora M>U«, W»U'T Wtw*i‘, \Vind MilU rtc. Maehin- " for the CW*nin({ of Coffcr, C««tor IhK Bcnn*. IUmir, Siml, l’meappln Le«r« i otbrr Fihrou« Planl». And P«pcr Stock AI*o M«chin« for Extractint( Surch 1rom the Manioe, Arrow R.«>t, ctc. CV AU thtlcr» pn>mptlT «ttcndcd to. WHITE. RITMAN «ft CO. OHEAP FUEL Fresl i A lgerol >a Firewood $9.00 pcr Cord Oclivcred. JNO. F. eOLHUHN Ā CO. *c"> Im ESTABLISHED A. D. 1863. Pioneer Steam Candy Factory! IB A. K K R V amd lee Cream Parlors F. HOHN, Proprietoh. PRACTICAL ConfW-tioDer d OiMeoler In xll hnkaehea of tbc bn«ine« oa tbrae inUnd». AMEHIOAN. FRENCH. ENOLISH a.M) OEHMAN PASTRLE8 MADE TO OHDER. Wedding and Birth-day OAK.ES Made of tbe very best malenal, unsnrpassed in riohness of quali' ty and ornamentetl in anitpproaoh* able style. at Iower prices tban any other eatabliahment io Ho noīnlu. Fami!y \ Fancy B?ead, Gtutva Jelly. Preserved Tamarinds * and Tamannd Syrup. ALL CONFECTIONERT Manafactore«1 at my Est*bliahmeni are Guaranteed lt be Posrrrvill Pcre «nd aoM at priovs no otber e»iabiisbment eaa eompele with. FACTORY k STORE, No. Ti Hotel Strj*t, Between Nooana and Fort StreeU BOTH TELEPHOXES So. 74-