Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 39, 2 November 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

ForeigB Mail Service. Steamefa'f»s wi!l ieave for an<l *rr ve ■ irom Ss»n Franci*Ci>, on the fo!iow;ng <J«tes, tsil lfae close of L» *»k Bo<nuu; Dre *t HosoLrur S*N FkaV ■.*'*> Fm. S*> Frv5kX*X> Oeeanie .... Sej»‘. 25 Alanie<ia, Sept. 28 Miowen, iar V*n-An«trali*. .. , oanv-r << -■_> «oeanie . o<-t. 17 Ao«tralia Oct. 14 Miowem, lrotn Vau- I Monowai Oct 19 oonver Oct. 23 WMiimoo, for V«&- Mahnoc« Oct, 26 i conver X.,v. 1 Aatitraii* Xov. 4 j i hm» Nov. ti Monow.i: Nov 23 An«tnili« .. Nov. II Wanimoo, from V»n- : AUm<"ia. .Nov. lt> cuaver. N«v. 23 i Mioweia, f..r Vau-Chin» Nov. 27 , conv. r .. .Dec. 2 Au»tr*lU. .. Dec. 2 | O-eanie Dec. 4 AUme-ia Dec. 22 ' A istmlia . Dec. 9 Me.wem. frum Van- j Marii>fw*.... Dee. 14 conver Dec. 23 i Wammoo, f<<r Van- Oeeanie D<-c. 2H Un. i AMalk Dec. :t0 City l’etiag. Jan. 2 Wammoo. frum VanAnstralia Jan. 6 couver Jan. 23 Wanimoo, froui Vaneon ver Sept 23 tb<* 'sVatrr-Jpront. Departures. Ila« i.k Anlrew Weleh, Dreel, for San Francisco. Ves3els in Port. r SS A<lams. Nelaon. l'SS Phila.i-lphia, Parker. Haw Bk Amirew, Weleh. < iei Bk J. 0. Plluger. Br «eh Norraa, ¥ok<,faama. Ani sch Tmusit, Jobgensen, S F. Am scfa Rol>ert I-ewers, (»oodmau, P T. Am S'!h Aloha, Dabel, S. K. Nor bk Bea<'ousfieiil, B;Lstiansen, New Castle, N S VV. Haw bk R P Ritfaet, Morrison, S F. Am bgt W <i Irwiu, Nelaon. S F. ■lap S S Miike Mnru, •’faorapson, ¥’okoliama Ara ¥ acht Tolna, Tolna, S F. Am bk M.inl 1 1, Sweiibon, Nanaimo. Am sohr C S Hofanes, Johuson, Port Townseud. Bktne Klikit.it, Cntter, Port Townsend. Foreign Vessels Expected. [This List does not Inclnde Steamers] vessels. where from. dne. Am bk Harvester S F (Hilo).. Ang 21 Am schr GIendale.... Kureka Oct 25 Am schr Allen A Euieka Oet 1 Am bk Martha Davis Boston Dec 20 Ger bk Nantilns Liverpool.. Dec 30 Br schr Villat« Liverpool Jan 10 Am hk S C Allen SF Oct 25 Am hrgt Cousnelo S F (Kah) Oct 30 Am bk Klikitat. ,Port Townseud. .Nov 16 Am brgt J D Sprvckels. ,S F Oct 26 Tacht Tolna S F Oct 20 1 H t.'kfeld (sld Sept 25).L’po>l..Dec 25-31 S ,.i Haleokala. ..F’nning’s l i Nov 15 Am bkt Wreetler N S W Oct 29 Br bk Duke Argvie.,.. N’ S W Nov 10 Am bk \lbert S F Nov 26 Am bk Alden Resse... ,S F • — Nov 18 Am bk C D Bryaut... ,S F Nov 27 Am bkt Irmganl S F Nov 26 Am bk Enoeh Ta!bot. Pt Gamble..Nov 14 (ier bk Galvcston,.. . Hongkong.. Nov 7-12 Am bkt Planter S F N<>v 15 Am bkt Diso >verj- S F Nov 28 Ara bkt Ameha. ...Pt Blakely Dec 15 Am schr Alioe Oooke. .Pt Blakely. ,Dec 25 OUR COMING MINSTRELS. Honolnlu will soou be hwppv again by seeiug tbe doors of the Oj>era IIouse openeil. A minstrel orgauization has heeu formed and the ”boys" are prej»aring to give some stunning j>erfoimanoes. They euu be assuretl of a heaw p>itrv>nage arul all possil>le success to their enterprise. The names of the gentlemen who are to take a part iu the show are a gnarantee in themselves for the suocess of the enterprise. We are onlv sorrv th.it the comiuumtv has to wait till Cnristmas before a ehanee ean be given to the people wlioenjoy the fun to till the Oj)era House from top to bottom and applaiul the due singiug and splend.d acting of our amateurs. The Emperor of Japan s Birthday. To-morrow is the birthday of His Im)>erial Majesty the Emper or of Jaj>an. The day will be observed by the Japanese colony bere as a general holiday. The represeutative of His Majesty to Hawaii Mr. S. Fujii will hold a reception in the forenoon.