Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 40, 3 November 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

H. May & Co., Tea Deaiers, Coffee Roasters Provision Merchants 96 Fort Streot, - Honolulu Families, Pl:»ntations an«l Sbip» snpplied with choicest Eu rop<a n & A merica n Grocerics California Produc« by Every Sieamer. CITY MEAT MARKET Oppo. Queen Emma Hall, Established 1883. JOS. TINKER, FAMILY 5 3BUTCHER Maker of the Celehraf»d Cambridge Pork Sausage ! Tby Them. Meat Delivered to Any Part ol the Ciiy and Suburbs. Mutual Telephone Nnraber 289. Club j5tables Go. f S. F. (>RAHAM, Mi\nager. JLivery, anell Salo IStabIot*, Fort Street, between Hoiel and Beretania. Bolh Telephones No. 477 donnscted With 0t8nd, Corner King «fe Bethel Sts. Both Telephones No. 113. I£3mpire SaIoon, JAMES OLDS, PKopaieiOK. Fine Winss, Liquoi% Bee?, ALWAI8 ON HAND. Corner Nnnnan and Hotel Streets HAKKlSON BROS., f.V CONTRA(TOKS AND BL !LDKR8, 208 Fort St., Honoluln. LEWIS & C0„ \fchotesale and Retail Grocers AND PKGVISI0N DEALERS. FRESH CAUFORNIA 5ALM0N ONICB Br Erery 8\n Francisoo Steumer. Salt Salmon in Baerels a Specialty. /// Fort St., Honoiulu. Tel. 240, P. O. Box 297* 1 NEW' EuPopean No. 509 Uotel Street. ’ ! Ste»k. Ham i £ggs fur 25 cte. Bo«rdjng §4.50 jt*r week, oril Me»i T>ckets for $4:50, Fow| three tiines 1 weele, cookiogon 1 f rst c!ase style. Mea'.a at all hoor$. CHOCK SING, oct26 ltn Propnetor.