Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 40, 3 November 1893 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


H'ho kicked tht lantern. f The Kinan left at 2 p.m. for Mitoi anel Hawaii. The Auatralia wi’l arrive earlv to-morruw witli a large passenger Iist. “Oh' woulel I were au Englishman;" Lab-de-dah. Lah-ile dab. Why don’t you marrv all four. — » United States Mmister Willis, will very probablv arrive on the j steamer Australia to raorrow. A nuraber of Japanese laborers ; , of the lot arriveu by the Miike Maru left by the Kinau for the ditferent plantations where thev are to work. Howling Moses! Mr. Howland says he smelled brirastone here ■ even when the stenraer carn ing hiin wms coraing into the harbor. Where is the Board of Health? i i There is raore drunkenness and disorderly couduct araong the ritie carriers in theservice of this present governraent, than ever was kuown in the militarv service, under the monarchv. Those who served at that time, had some se!f respect. “Palraist and astrologer’ HowI laml says “I am not a raindreader nor have I read any rainds in Honolulu. Thank God for that. They are too small for ainone to try and read.” We wonder if the “palmist add astrologer” was present at the Cou»icil meeting yesterday and there reached his conclusions. "W ouldn t it be a good idea for all honorabl3' discharged P. G. soldiers to hang on to their certificates of discharge? Wlien we heeome a republic on the Araer ican plan, wo are bound to have a pension boreau and a pension fraud, and who would be raore entitled to an annnity than our reenrrected braves who are eonstantl\’ lying down dead . Sornethiug was pnblished in tbis mornings Advertiser. whieh is called “Custom House Report. ’ Who raade the report, the “Custora House” or the “Collector General?” Never did any government nnder the Monarchy announee or publish the Report of the Collector General, to the tax-payers, and the business communit\’ in such shape. J. P. Bowen who knows more about a biliiard table than anv other man in Honolulu has a notice iu auother eolumn. He offers a large assortment of all material neede*l for repairing and fixing up billĪHnl-tables. This is the time h> get vonr old tables brougbt in running orxler with new cloth and “live” cushions. Mr. Bowen is located in the Perry Biock on Hotet Street. Mr and Mrs. W. G. Irwin have issued iuvitatfons to a bnll to take plaee at tbeir residenee on the 9th inst. The Sons of George, will give an entertainment next Monday evening. (the 6tb inst.) at their Hall. It promises to be a graud atfair.