Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 41, 4 November 1893 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


B7«o tkrev- the Cxit / H ho i.ianced the Kui on (he aame oeeanon? BhluI Coneert at Einma Sc|uare | tbis ahemoon. | Hho hītd hrr photograjJi taken l j Wnikilei ihe othrr day, a la Kve, i but inihoui Ihe n<t Uail \ ! Haa the fence elimhini' beeu transferre<I to tbe cemetervf Who wonldn t be a tombstone? The P. M. 8. 8. Cbina is due next Mond«y from the Orieut, en route to San Francisco. I The Chief of the pastoral inCQbator on Panchbowl Street to!d tbe Suigeon-Gener;il today that eAerything was all rigbt. You bet it is old ehappie. Haven't the assembled persons memorialized the M*ashington ad ministration for the purpose of getting rid of the P. G. ? Two cart loads of ammmiitions «nd arms we're brought to the Station Houso this raorning. Is it the arrival of Minister Willis whieh worries the P. O. or are we going to have a republic declared? Let us know iu time and we will tender the Natioaal Hawaiian B;ind for the occasion. Dick Kekona denies the statement in the Advertiser tliat he Las been arrested again for playing eho fa. Dick says that be has got all fce eau shoulder with the real charges against him without taking upou himsoIf sorae imagiuar\' ones. By the way he wauts to know why the raarshal is so hard on him and his ehe fa and says nothiug to tbe poker g«me iu the backroom of—well up-town'