Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 41, 4 November 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

?usinrss (Tards Thko. P. givnix. A. W. Bcl,'«tek. ALOHAGALLERY 513 Fokt Stkett. Ho.NOi.rLr. (Up-stairs.) Portraits& Landscapes Finest Colkction of Hawaiian Views. P. O. Box 49S. ESTABL1SHED A. D. 1863. Pioneer Steam Candy Factory! B AKEE Y amd Ice Cream Parlors F. HOKN, Propthetoe. PRACTICAL l'oiileelioiiei' & Omuiiienter In all br.mches of the bnsiness on these isl,\nds. AMEFJCAN. FEENCH, ENO- | LISH and OEEMAN PASTR1ES MADE T0 OEDER. Wcddīng and Birth-day CAK.ES Made of the ven- best material, unsurpassed in richce.ss cf qaality and ornamentedin unapproachable stvle. at lower prices than any other estabhshment in Honolulu. Eamili) Fancy Bi<ead, Guava Jelly, Preserved Tamarinds and Tamarind Svrup. ALL CONFECTIONERY Manufactured at my Establishment are Gnaranteed tv be Positively Puiie and sold at prices no other establisbmeut ean compete with. FACTORY & STORE, No. 71 Hotel Street. Between Nnrann and Fort Streets BOTH TELEPH0NE8 No. 74. Reward. A Postal Siviugs Bank Book No. 465 has been lost at my residence during this month. M'ho ever finds it and returns same at my residence at Koolaupoko, Oahn. or at the law office of Jas. K. Kauiia, in Honolulu, will receive a reward. Mbs. Mikala Kauua. Honolulu, Oct. 23,1893. oct23 Im Vtfing Mow Chan, IMPOBTEBS AND COMMiSSION MEROHANTS I DEALERS IX China and iapan Tsa. Provisions. Manila Cigars. GROCERIES. SILKS, MATTING. Camphor Woo<3 Trunks, Rattan Chairs, etc., etc. . 304 King St., Honolnlu, P. O. 1 Box No. 180, Mutual Tel. No, 78.